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alshitty: trotty!

trouty: ye

alshitty: i've got tickets to florida!!!

trouty: wtf wait whyyy

alshitty: my aunts wedding!!!

trouty: can i come?

alshitty: i'd love you to but it's complicated

trouty: i understand

alshitty: ty

trouty: when are you going?

alshitty: next month

trouty: what?!?!

alshitty: what?

trouty: thats too soon

alshitty: i won't be that long

trouty: how long

alshitty: two or three weeks

trouty: ffs why that long

alshitty: bc we're going on a cruise afterwards

trouty: k.

alshitty: pls don't be mad

trouty: im not

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