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"R-Robert.. I-I'm close.." He stopped and put his hands around my waist.

"Goodnight, dear." He gave me a kiss. What the fuck. He was teasing me.

"Great plan by the way." He giggled lightly and We both fell asleep after talking for a really long time.

My phone rang which made my mood worst than ever. I picked up my phone and answered it.

"HELLO?!" I said closing my eyes. I feel like jumping back to bed now.

"Wow you really are the same aren't you?" He chuckled.

"Excuse me. Who the hell are you? It's 3 in the morning if you don't mind me saying." Like he knows me. Pshhh

"It's me Harvey. You alright Ellie?" Whoops I didn't know it was him.

"Oh erm hey. Why did you call?" I said turning to see if Robert's awake. Im scared. He doesn't like Harvey at all.

"I-I can't sleep. Thinking of what I did to you Ellie." I kept quiet. I didn't really feel like talking about that now.

"I know I interrupted your sleep. Maybe you don't wanna talk about it. Just listen okay? I wasn't ready and I can't sleep everyday thinking of us. I shouldn't have left. Ellie I loved you and I'm sorry-" I couldn't stand it anymore so I hung up. Curled up into a ball and cried. I felt a pair of arms around me. I looked up with my teary eyes.

"It's alright Ellie let it all out." My head was digging into his shoulder making his shirt wet. I just couldn't. I still can't tell him. I'm not ready.

"What happened? Who called?" He said rubbing my back. It's must be weird seeing me cry.

"It-it's my mom. S-she said that my

Dog died." I know I practically

Lied about dogs. We never had dogs.

"Ngaw Ellie it's fine.. We'll get you a new one? How bout that?" He carried me to the bed and I slept in his arms. I felt so safe and I ignored whatever I just heard.

I woke up with Robert's arm around my waist and his head on my shoulder. His messy hair and

His long eyelashes are just so gorgeous. "Checking me out?" He opened his golden brown eyes and giggled. "Are you?" I gave him a sly grin.

"I don't know.." He cupped my butt.

"Ya know. I haven't got even for what you did last night." I said shuffling his hair.

"Really? Cause I can't wait for it." I gave him a smile and went to the kitchen for some coffee. He pressed me against the table. Kissing my neck and reaching into my shirt. I jumped on top of him and kissed him. Wrapping my legs around his waist while our tongues are dancing. He ripped my shirt off and I could feel his bulge again. Time for revenge Ellie.

I pushed him to the couch and unzipped his pants then rubbed his harden member on that thin fabric. "Ellie..." He moaned. I grab his harden yet soft member out and started pumping him. When I know he was close I took all of him into my mouth. It was only half in my mouth. He was long and big. He moaned and cursed under his breath. He pulled me up all of a sudden And took my bottom off. He place his fingers arousing my wet core. Oh god. I wanted him right here right now.

"Tell me what you want Ellie." He whispered in my ears.

"Fuck me hard Robert." He was still teasing me putting his tip near my entrance. He's getting me so desperate. I pushed him on the floor so I can take control over it. I pushed myself into him making both of us moan. His pace was fast and slow teasing me. I could feel the ball of pleasure forming. "Ellie I want you to look at me." He said turning my head and still keeping up with his pace.

I looked into his dark brown eyes and we both came at the same time. I collapsed on top of him. I didn't realize we were both on the floor.

"Naughty naughty Ellie. Ready for round two?" He said putting a stray hair behind my ears. He pulled out of me and carried me to my bedroom.

After how many rounds of love making. We both got hungry and decided to cook ourselves. His phone rang but he didn't bother to pick it up.

"Hey.you don't wanna pick that up?" I said giving him a smile. "No I just feel like spending time with my girlfriend." I was flattered when he said that. But. I'm doubting myself. Am I perfect for him?

"Robert can I ask you something?" I said turning to him.

"Yeah why not.'' He said chopping the onions.

"Why did you choose me? There's so many perfect women out there. Who has a great career and salary.. I'm nothing like that" I said looking at him. He dropped his knife and came over to Hug me.

"Cause I love you.'' He whispered in my ears. I could feel my face heating up. I turned around facing him looking at him fluffy inviting lips. Then i heard my phone ring. Ugh. Talk about great timing.

"Hello, detective Davis." I recognized his voice directly.

"Hey Cap. What's up?" I replied cleaning my hands. Don't want my phone to smell like bacon.

"As you can see that six months is over and tomorrow is your first day of work after six months. You do remember right?" Shit I totally forgot about it.

"Damn well I remember Cap. Can't wait to see you tomorrow." We both hung up. God I'm excited to be back in the field.

"Someone's a little excited" he giggled.

"Yeah. Back to work Robert. No more partying." When dinner was done. He decided to leave early cause I have to start working tomorrow. Colton would be happy to see me.

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