11. In which we talking of Weddings

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Everyone is around the door and in the foyer, saying goodbyes.


“Au revoir, Louis! Have fun when you get back to Hogwarts.” I laugh, and kiss his cheek.

“Ah, salut, ma Cherie!” He grins.

“Cyah Christian!” I grin at my new(ish) friend.

“It was good to catch up with you Belle.” He smiles.

“I’ll add you on WizBook.” I laugh, and kiss his cheek.

“Eh, Freddy!”

“Do I get a kiss?” He asks cheekily.

“Only on the cheek.” I grin, and peck his cheek.

“Aww, thanks.”

“Bye, Freddy.”

“Bye, Belle.”

“Bye Gabe. It was good to see you.” I say as I give my brother a massive hug. I miss not seeing him as much as I used to.

“You too, Belle.” He smiles, “Text me whenever, okay?”

“’Cause.” I smile, and kiss his cheek.

“So French.” He mutters in my ear.

“Err, bye James.” I awkwardly wave at him.

Freddy comes back over, “What, doesn’t James get a kiss?”

I fake-huff, “Oh, fine. You are so annoying, Freddy!”

I lean in and peck James’ cheek, and his hand rests just for a second on my waist, and I can smell his intoxicating, woodsy smell, and then I pull away.

Freddy wanders off, and James mutters, “Bye, beautiful.” Then turns and leaves.

I look at his back, just standing, before I feel Marcus on my elbow.

“Oh, bye, Marcus…” I say half-heartedly.

“Err, I was wondering. Could I have a word?” He gestures to the hallway going off the lounge room, and I nod, confused, and lead him to my bedroom.

We sit down on my bed, and he says, “I…Look, do you, y’know like James?”

I gape at him, but the way he’s looking in my eyes makes me think hard and answer truthfully, “Yes. But…I like you too.”

Marcus smiles sweetly at me, “You’re an amazing girl. You’re funny and charming, and I really like being around you.”

I kind of smile, but I know there’s a but. And anything that comes before a ‘but’ doesn’t matter, really, does it?

“But,” Marcus continues, “I can’t be with you. When you and James are together, its like…” He sighs, searching for the words, “It’s like what everyone wants to have. You look at ease when you’re with him, and you just… glow, I guess.” He scratches his head, and avoids my eyes.

Then, he simply shakes his head, and kisses me softly on my forehead. “Bye, Belle. I’ll see you around.”

And then he leaves.

I was pretty upset, I mean, Marcus had just said that he didn’t want to date me because he thought James and I were meant to be.

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