Doppelganger: Chapter Two

Start from the beginning

            "I wanted to give you a hug and see how you were doing," Laura answered and pulled Mom into a tight embrace.

            Mom didn't hug back, but she didn't push her away either.

            "What do you have to say to me?" Mom asked quietly.

            "I was going to tell you that Derek needs more clothes. He needs to look presentable at work, and he will definitely need to keep that job. You know, for future child support fees."

            "Come with me. You know where our bedroom is, I'm sure," Mom replied. "I'll pack some more of his things."

            "Oh, and I had one more thing to tell all of you. It's wonderful news!" Laura gushed.

            We all looked at her, awaiting an answer.

            "Are you going to make us guess?" Maia asked. "Because that's stupid. What's wonderful to you will probably be hell for us."

            "Well, you little brat, you're going to have a new half-sibling!"

            "Wait, what?" I asked.

            "I'm pregnant," she clarified.

            "I told you so. Hell," Maia stated.

            "Are you sure it's my father's baby?" I asked.

            "Of course, silly. Your father's the only man I've been sleeping with," Laura answered.

            "Somehow, I highly doubt that," Maia replied.

            "Sweetie, do you even know where babies come from? You're like eight."

            "I'm eleven, and yes, I do know where they come from. If my father, who was supposed to be loyal to my mother, decided to cheat, what makes you think that we'd believe that you weren't fucking some other person, too?"

            "Well, your father has accepted this pregnancy wholeheartedly, and he's going to have a fresh start with a new family. I guess it doesn't matter if you believe me or not then, does it?"

            Mom looked down at Laura's petite stomach.

            "Derek's child is in there?" Mom asked, placing her hand on Laura's tummy.

            "Yes, and I was hoping since you're my best friend, you'd help throw me a baby shower, and maybe be the godmother."

            "How delusional, are you?!" Maia shouted.

            "You hurt my mother and you think that she still wants to be friends with you?" I asked.

            "You can't just throw all those years down the drain," Laura said. "You don't control who you fall for. Love just happens. And it happened between me and Derek."

            "True, you don't choose who you fall in love with. But you can choose who you decide to sleep with," I stated. "My mother would never throw a—"

            "We can have it in our house," Mom said.

            "What?!" Maia and I exclaimed.

            "Yes, the baby shower will be held here, and we'll think of the theme when the due date is closer."

            "That is fantastic! You really are the best friend a girl could have," Laura laughed.

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