[i] moo shu pork

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"Two moo shu porks coming up." I flashed the couple a smile as I jotted down their order on a notepad.

Heading back to the kitchen, I wondered why those two were even in here in the first place. We didn't get many customers. This wasn't really a place you'd find easily; it was hidden in the outskirts of New York, in a shady neighbourhood where people who didn't want to be found resided. Even though our moo shu pork was the best in all New York, we had no intention of becoming infamous for it.

As I entered the kitchen of the Chinese Restaurant, our cook snarled at me. "Two moo shu's." I slid him the notepad. "This is my first and last order of the day." I informed him and he opened the freezer to remove frozen moo shu pork.

What? I said it was good. I never claimed it to be fresh.

Before the freezer door shut I caught a glimpse of the piles of red meat inside.

"It's my best friend's eighteenth birthday." I explained, even though he hadn't asked. "We're gonna go celebrate."

The cook nodded slowly, which was his way to grant me permission to leave and tell me to stop talking at the same time.

I took it and left the premises.

He didn't talk much, for a werewolf, he liked to mind his own business in the kitchen. He was still part of the pack, but he didn't act like it much. I guess he was more of a lone wolf type.

It was a good idea to open a Chinese restaurant in this spot, I thought as I walked over to my car, parked right outside the joint. No one would even think of finding us here. Of course the name 'Jade Wolf' could lead to suspicion. In fact, apart from the couple who's order I had just taken, everyone in that restaurant was a werewolf. Including me.


"I'm home!" I called out as the door of my apartment slammed shut behind me.

"Welcome back." A familiar face greeted me from the kitchen counter. Luke.

He was part of the pack too, in fact, he was the one who led me to them in the first place. Luke found me when I was eleven, lost and alone. I was an orphan, my parents had just died in an accident and he took me in before the system did. I seriously didn't want to find out what would have happened if he hadn't. How would a foster home react to find their eleven-year-old child turned into a deadly wolf at night?

Having said that, he was like a father to me. He taught me how to control being a werewolf even though I was born one, whilst he had been bitten. He gave me a home, and a pack, and that's all I could ever ask for.

"I'm not staying long, I have to go see Clary tonight-" I stopped halfway through when I saw what Luke was doing. "And I'm glad I am." I concluded, eyeing him as I realized he was in the middle of cooking something.

"Hey, don't go to hard on my cooking. I have a feeling this will turn out good." He gestured to the badly cut vegetables on the counter.

"Yeah, that's what you said last time." I reminded him. "Before you almost burnt the house down." Luke laughed, rolling his eyes, and kept chopping up carrots. "I'm pretty sure we have left over moo shu pork in the fridge." I called out before walking into my room.

Another thing Luke had given me was the friendship with Clary Fray. She was my best friend, along with Simon, and the only reason I met her was because Luke was hopelessly in love with Clary's mom.

I changed my top, leaving my skinny black jeans on, and choosing a red tank instead, just slightly revealing. It was Clary's eighteenth and we were going to a nightclub to celebrate, that is if our fake ID's allowed us in which, Simon always liked to remind us, sucked.

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