[xxii] lazy day

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I was still confused by everything that was going on as Clary dragged me outside. We had just left Jace and Alec inside ready to jump at each other, and not in the sexual sense, and I was very much concerned. "Do you really think it's a good idea to leave them alone?"

"We need to get you out of here." Clary stated, as she kept tugging on my sleeve. 

"Okay... Where are we going?" I questioned, allowing myself to be pulled away.

"Hotel Dumort." Uh, what?

I stopped in my tracks, and Clary was no longer able to drag me. "Excuse me? I think I heard you wrong."

"It's the only place we won't be suspected. And where no Clave members will be." Clary explained.

She had a point. But still. I hated vampires and their stench.

"And Simon is there." Clary added, causing my eyes to widen.

I had almost forgot about one of my closest friends, and that made me feel horrible. "How is he?" I asked concerned. I had not seen him ever since he turned. It wasn't his fault he was a vampire now, *cough* Clary *cough*, but the thought made me shiver.

"I'll explain on the way." Clary said, and proceeded to pull on my sleeve again.

Clary told me everything that happened whilst I was being kept in custody by that bitch Lydia, and there was a lot that I missed. "So... you and Simon. In a cage." 

Clary shook her head. "Stop making this weird." She let out a laugh. "I mean, not that any of this is normal, but it's still Simon. I know it is. He hasn't changed."

I pursed my lips. "Except he drinks blood now and could have murdered you in there." 

Clary shot me a glare. "He didn't. He can control himself." Then she paused. "Can you?"

I frowned. "Uh, I don't drink blood. A bloody mary, now that, maybe."

She rolled her eyes. "Can you control yourself around Simon or not? Because he will be there." I suddenly realized I was going to have to see my friend as one of my archenemies. And soon. We had arrived.

The shabby hotel Dumort stood in front of us, I stared up at it, reluctant to go inside. "I'll do my best." I replied with all honesty. The last thing I wanted to do was make Simon feel uncomfortable or unwanted. He was still my friend, no matter how bad he smelled.

Clary led us to what I assumed was the main lobby, with golden couches and dark tapestry. "Clary! Mia!" I recognized Simon's voice immediately, and sure enough, there he was, rushing towards us. 

He embraced Clary, then turned to me. I think my stunned face said it all. He looked exactly the same, and yet, he wasn't. Not really. "Mia." He gulped. "Hi."

I returned to my senses soon enough, a smile appearing on my face. "Simon." I hugged him. "I'm glad you're okay."

"It's been a while." He said as we broke apart. "Look- I know I'm a vampire, and you're a werewolf. And I know you hate vampires and there's this whole thing about not fraternizing with us but... I guess I was hoping you'd make an exception." 

I couldn't help but smile at that. "Of course, Simon. You're one of my best friends. Nothing will change that." I took a quick sniff at him. "But you really need to shower."

Simon feigned offense at that, and Clary was laughing, as Jace stormed into the room. I was hoping he'd reveal some information about Alec but...

"Clary, Mia, we have to go. Merlion is a wanted man and we have to get him to the Seelie Court where he's protected." Jace stated in a hurry. 

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