Pratap Ranaji - maternal Uncle and Daniel's father

(From Alex's side)

Alex Miller - male protagonist portrayed by Brendon Dooling (An american actor)

Alex Miller - male protagonist portrayed by Brendon Dooling (An american actor)

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James Miller - Alex's father

Rose Miller - Alex's mother and Susie's best friend

Victoria Miller - Alex's cousin sister (more as real sister)

Jack Miller - Uncle

Adam Maxwell - Alex's best friend and Victoria's husband

Catherine Wilkinson - Alex's maternal grandmother

Stella Ruis - Alex's ex girlfriend and Daniel's love interest

Jessica Hamilton - Alex's friend

Matthew Hamilton - Jessica's husband


Well, I think I have given enough intro of Secret of the east and its characters which will also be present in this sequel except Jack who has died in last book. Let's start with the story then

Author's POV

"I have found her" his head snapped in the direction of the voice and his eyes twinkled.

"Where is she? Why didn't you bring her here? Have you killed Sam and her brother?" He asked her all the questions in one breathe.

"Its not easy. Sam has hided his children beneath my nose and I couldn't sense it." She slammed her fist on the table and the vase place on it jumped in air with the impact.

"That man was clever like a fox. Whenever I reached him, he used to fled away before that. I never knew how" he scowled remembering the days of his search for Sam and his kids but now the wait is over.

"When are we kidnapping her" An evil smile spread on his face.

"I have told you its not easy" she replied in frustration.

"That man has married her off" he waved her hand and started laughing. She scowled at him.

"Oh come on. that's not a big deal. We will kill her husband and in laws and take her here. Simple" She glared at him angrily on his childish thought.

"You know who is her husband and who are her in laws" He looked at her serious expression and stopped laughing.

"Who are her in laws?" He asked cautiously.

"Rose and James. Sam has married her off to Alex Miller, Rose's son AND HE LOVES HER A LOT!!!" he was stunned on hearing that. Rose will die but she would never let anyone harm Susie's daughter.

"Don't worry, She will come to us on her own feet but on our wish and any Miller will never get a chance to know when Gauri has slipped from their hands" His voice was filled with determination and his almond color eyes twinkled with pure evil joy.


The rajmahal of Bhanugarh (Palace of Bhanugarh) is still lifeless and emotionless just like it has become forty years ago when the king has moved from its premises. Nothing regained its beauty after that. Spider cobs has made decorated most of the palace after that because of poor maintenance. The durbar (court) is empty just like its thrones of ministers and king. The huge chandelier in its center is hanging in the ceiling like an old man is waiting for someone with his old and wrinkled eyes. The garden which used to be like an oasis in the desert has become piece of dirt. Most of the trees of the so called orchard are dead.

The palace is looking like a widow in tattered white saree. The palace has started breathing again with the arrival of this young girl who looked like princess Sujata. The gardens has started thinking of welcoming spring season and the chandelier has started thinking that it will again glow like the old times. But least they knew that it is just their dream because this mirror image of Princess Sujata is heartbroken herself. She is withering herself by each passing day then how can she revive them.

She is standing in the north zone of the palace just in front of the dead orchard. She is coughing and vomiting while supporting herself by grabbing the little of nearest pillar.

"Aap thik to hain Rajkumari ji (Are you okay, princess)?" A deep velvety voice hit her ears and she felt alive once again.

The man was standing at some distance. His gaze was fixed at the girl who was leaning on the railing and throwing her gut contents on the soils of dead orchard. The hot summer air passed between them and bruised his cheeks. It must have bruised her soft skin, the leaves of few alive trees rustled in the background and dust has also moved from the earth but his gaze was fixed on only one person. The beautiful girl with almond color eyes who was staring back at him in surprise.

"Alex!!" the name rolled on her tongue and soothe her soul. She can chant this name as a mantra till her last breathe but the owner of this name has gone away. very far from her.

He has gone away!! You liar, you have made him go away from your life. You have brought you down so low in his eyes that he doesn't want to see your face.

Her inner self scolded her in disgust. She blinked her eyelids several times to believe that Alex is standing in front of her. But no Alex has blonde hair and blue eyes but this man who has same height, same looks and same physique like him has black hair and brown eyes.

How she wished that the man in front of her could be Alex. She must have accepted that Alex has come to her in disguise if he has not opened his mouth.

"Aap thik to hain? (Are you okay?)" he asked in fluent hindi like he has spent his whole life in India.

"Han lekin aap kaun hain (yes but who are you?)" She wiped corner of her mouth with the end of her stole and questioned his identity.

"Apaar, Apaar Mehta from ASI" he put his right hand forward for a hand shake but she did a namaste in response. She has suggested her captor to take professional help from Archeological survey of India (ASI) and he has told her that two men are coming to help her.

"Aap do log ane wale the na (Two people were suppose to come)" she asked him while looking behind him for the other person.

"Ji, mujhe sir ne hi bheja hai apko bulane k liye (yes, my sir has ordered me to call you)" he answered again in fluent hindi without any tinge of british accent. A mysterious smile appeared on his face when Gauri get lost in her thoughts.

How she wished that the guy in front of her has spoken a broken hindi and she get to know that he is Alex, her Alex.

"Kyun is admi ne bheja ko 'beja' nahi kaha aur liye to 'leeye', please bhagawan keh dijiye ke mere samne jo insan hai wo Alex hai (Why this man has not called 'behja' as 'beja' and 'liye' as 'leeye'. Please tell me god that this person in front of me is Alex, my Alex)

"Chale rajkumari ji (Shall we go Princess)" he looked at in anticipation and she nodded in yes before taking a step.

Please give your comments and votes. What do you think? Apaar Mehta is Alex or not?

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