Weapons and Bad Relations

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*Qrow's POV*

Qrow: "Holy shit" I whispered at the sight in front of me. "How many more zeros got added to Ironwoods paycheck?" I asked myself as my eyes glanced over all the tech and weaponry in the ship.

In my amazement I failed to hear the sound of high heels against metal growing louder towards me.

Winter: "This is only a quarter of it, most of it is back in Atlas" I jumped a little at Winters sudden interjection. I had forgotten she was with me. 

I ran my hands through my hair, as I leaned against a metal workshop bench behind me.

Qrow: "So how did things with Ironwood go?" I asked, crossing my arms as I waited for an answer.

Winters eyes looked at mine. She sighed.

Winter: "I said that I'd gone for a walk, needed to make some personal calls...." Winters eyes had squinted a little at the last statement. She stared at the ground a glisten of sadness flashing through her eyes.

My posture straightened a little.

Qrow: "You know I'm all ears if you wanna, um confess stuff......" I said, giving a warm smile. I always seemed to be better at comforting people when I didn't open my mouth.

Winter loosened up at me and gave me a small smile, snickering as she turned to face me.

Winter: "My sister and father are being stubborn as usual and leaving me to pick up the pieces as best I can" she crossed her arms in discomfort. "They'll make up, it won't be a big deal in the end" 

Qrow: "Why not?" I blurted causing Winters head to jerk towards me. I decided to continue. "I mean, it's obvious they don't have the best relationship, I get it their personalities seem to uh-"

Winter: "Clash?" Winter said in a tired voice. 

Qrow: "Yeah" I said agreeingly.

Just like me and Raven I thought. 

Winter: "So are we ready for the mission then?" Winter said with a tone of awkwardness? Oh shit, I'd gone silent hadn't I? Goddammit.

Qrow: "Uh, yes" I said quickly.

I cleared my throat.

Qrow: "I have a question though" I said in a serious voice.

Winter: "What is it?" her eyes becoming stern at the sudden tension.

Qrow: "Does Ironwood still hate it when people drink on the ship?" I raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on my face.

Winter: "As a matter of fact he does" Winter replied knowingly.

With that I took out my flask and drank whatever was left. Winter only snickered.


RWBY White Lies, Red Secrets (Snowbird) { NOT TO BE COMPLETED, Sorry :( }Where stories live. Discover now