I Don't Have Much Time Left

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Boomer P.O.V

We were all flying to find Buttercup and this Buttercup Z so the Zs told us where they were hopefully they know what their doing. "This should be it." Blossom Z said. "You better know where they are!" Butch yelled.

Butch P.O.V

I yelled telling them they better know where Buttercup and Buttercup Z as suddenly we heard voices. "LET US GO! BUTCH HELP!" I recognize that voice it was...BUTTERCUP! "BUTTERCUP!?!?" I yelled and ran to the door trying to open it but it wouldn't open I tried so hard I looked and saw the others helping me. "We're so close!" Butch Z said.

~inside the room~

Buttercup P.O.V

Me, Bunny, Buttercup Z, and Brend got kicked back we all hit the floor I rubbed my head. "YOU GUYS ARE TRAITORS!" Brute yelled at Bunny and Brend. "We never wanted to join you!" Bunny said. "Yeah!" Brend said. "Maybe, we should kill you." Mojo said pointing at them I looked and saw the death time. 6:42
I don't have much time left...

Ppg & RrbDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora