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Okay you get the food and I pick the movie I said getting out of the car.

Yeah, I'll be back in five Tyler said before leaving me at the video store

I walked in and walked towards the horror movie area.

I looked around.

There's was nobody here, not even an employee.

Hello? Is anyone here?

The bell rung making me jump.
I laughed at myself.

I looked towards the door to see Jackson standing there
I smiled and went back to looking for a movie

It was so silent in here.

Can somebody help me find the notebook Jackson yelled.

A phone kept ringing but there was nobody here.

I grabbed the notebook and gave it to Jackson

Here I said giving it to him.


I smiled and went back to see Insidious, paranormal activity.
Argh come on where are the classics.

I looked around again
Is anybody working here I yelled.

I walked the alleys of movies and saw...what looked like a pair of feet.

I felt somebody over my shoulder
What is that Jackson whispered.

I don't know...stay here I said.

I walked closer and closer until I turned the alley to see a man with his throat riped out I gasped and took a step back.

What is it Jackson said walking towards me.

I pointed at the man and his eyes widened.

The lights were flickering in the store

I grabbed Jacksons arm and started walking towards the exit when I heard a low growl.

I saw him... It was the Alpha
He was big like really big not just a normal looking wolf he was triple the size of a wolf his eyes were red and his furr was a blood red color.

Jackson and I hid behind a shelf.

I peaked to see where he was but couldn't see worth shit.

I couldn't shift in front of Jackson
So I couldn't do anything but pray that he wouldn't kill us.

I saw a shadow move quickly and some DVD's hitting my head.

I heard a big thud I turned to see all the shelf's falling Like dominos.

I tried getting up but it hit me pinning me to the ground.

I felt claws touch my neck.

I saw Jackson standing there like an idiot.

Run! I yelled.

I heard a growl and glass breaking.

Jackson! I yelled

Jackson grabbed the shelf and lift it off my legs.

I crawled out and got up.

Where did it go I said

It jumped out the window.

I looked at him wide eyed.

I heard Lydia scream.

Lydia?! I yelled running towards the exit to see a frightened Lydia sitting in her car.


I sat beside Lydia on the end of the ambulance as I saw the sheriff car arrive.

I saw Stiles in his dad's car debating to get out or not.

Jackson kept yelling at the police officer and I just kept my head down with my arm around Lydia.

I saw Stiles slowly getting out of the car and running up to me and Lydia
I jumped off my feet and wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head into his chest.

He wrapped his hands onto my waist and hugged me back. I felt a small tear fall down my face.

He back away and wiped it off with his thumb.

You okay? He asked.

Yeah I'm great I just got attacked by the Alpha who bit me making me a wolf so I'm doing pretty great I said with a fake smile.

You still have your sarcasm so I think you'll survive he said. I laughed and saw Tyler running towards me.

What the hell happened I drop you off for five minutes and I come back to a crime scene Jesus Christ Lily! He yelled

Hey! She just got attacked and its not like she wanted to be attacked Stiles said in my defense.

Was I talking to you Ty said pushing stiles away from me.

Tyler stop! I yelled at him

I'm staying at Stilestonight I said

No you're coming home with me, right now he said grabbing my arm.

No I said getting out of his grip.
I don't see you for 3-4 days and you come back being a total ass.

I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life for this, if I'm not going to Stiles.... I'm going with Stiles I finally said.

I walked away from Tyler and walked to the sheriff.


Yes he said turning to me.

Would you mind if I stayed the night at your house I really don't want to be alone tonight.

Of course I just have to ask you a couple of questions and I'll drive you both back home


After Mr.Stilinski drove us back home Stiles brought me to his room where he gave me one of his shirts and some sweatpants that didn't fit me at all but I was fine with it.

You can have my bed I'll just sleep in the chair he said

No Stiles I don't want to steal your bed I'll be fine on the floor or chair

No Lily I'm not letting you sleep on the floor.

Okay then I'm sharing your bed tonight.

He didn't say anything.

Turn around I said.

He looked at me confused.

I have to change dumbass.

Oh he said laughing.

He turned around and I change into his big shirt and his sweatpants.

Okay I said you can turn back around.

I took my elastic I had on my wrist and made a bun on my head.

I slid into his bed and made myself comfortable.

I then felt someone laying beside me.

Goodnight Stiles

Goodnight he said putting his hand on my waist pulling me closer

I faint smile grew on my face as I dazed away

SILVER EYED WOLF ✘ S.STILINSKI [1]Where stories live. Discover now