Nerd By Association

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Scott and I sighed.

"What now" he asked.

"I'm guessing we walk home"

"We have to get out of these woods first."

We started walking when we heard a howl.

We stopped and looked around when we heard a bizarre sound.

I gripped tight onto Scott's arm.

"What was that" I said.

"I don't know but I don't want to find out."

That's when a Hurd of deer's came running towards us.

Scott hovered over me in a protective position, I shut my eyes tight and waited for what was going to happen next.

When silence fell I opened my eyes.

"What the hell?!" Scott said

I pushed Scott slightly so he would fall beside me

He laughed and helped me up.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine , thanks."

"What's wrong" I asked.

"My inhaler , I lost it."

We both got our phones out to use it as light and started looking for it.

As I was looking in a different place I heard Scott scream I turned around just to see him fall off the hill.

That's when I saw the dead body.

"Oh god" I said putting my hand over my mouth.

I then ran to see Scott.

"Scott?!" I whispered

"Scott where are you?"

I heard a scream and when I looked around I just saw Scott running the other way I started running his way I heard a beeping sound.

I then saw the road and Scott standing there.

"You okay!?" I yelled

"Yeah I'm fine" he said turning towards me.

"Let's go."


The next day at school I walked up to Scott and Stiles

"Hey guys!" I said.

'Guess what?" Stiles said.


"Scott got bit by a wolf."

"A wolf? When?!"

"Last night."

"You said you were fine!
Now your telling me you've been bit by a wolf?"

"Well I don't believe him" Stiles said.

"How come?"

"Cause' California doesn't have Wolves not in like 60 years."

"Well we did hear howling" I said.


"Yes really, there's no wolves in California"

"Well if you don't believe me about the wolf your definitely not going to believe me when I say that we found the body."

Stiles freaked out.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"I wish" I whispered.
"I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life."

Stiles laughed.
"That is friging awesome, I mean this is seriously the best thing that happened to this town since the birth of Lydia Martin" stiles said as Lydia walked past us.

"Hey Lydia"

Lydia didn't even look at us.

"You you're going to ignore me."

I chuckled.

"You're the cause of this you know?"
"Uh huh" Scott said.

"Dragging me down to your nerd Dept's."

"I'm a nerd by association" Stiles said walking towards the school.

I laughed.

"Nerd's aren't bad, I think nerd's are the best people" I said.


I had first period with Scott and Stiles.
I felt a weird feeling.
I could hear people talking in the halls
I heard a girl texting.
I heard... Everything
My ears hurted I had to get out.

I got up, "can I be excused" I asked walking out of class.

I walked to the bathroom where I splashed water onto my face.

I heard the door open

I turned around to see Stiles.

"Stiles? What are you doing here?"

"I uhm saw you walking in here and I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I just.. I don't know what happened.
I just I don't feel good" I finally said.

"Do you need to go to the nurse" he asked worried.

It was cute that he worried about me

"No I'll be fine I'm just...I think I'm gonna skip first period" I said.

"Okay... If you need anything just text me" he said grabbing my phone.

He put his number in my phone and walked out.

I smiled.


I walked to my locker to grab my books , when I turned around I saw Allison walking up to me
"Hey" she said.
"Hey what's up?"
"Oh I'm just getting my books" she said unlocking her locker.
That's when Lydia walked to us.

"That jacket is totally killer" she said to Allison.
"Where did you get it?"
"My mom had a shop back in San Fransisco."

"And you are my new best friend" she said pointing to Allison.

Allison looked back at me and just gave her a small and kind of sad smile

A guy grabbed Lydia's waist and kissed her.

"Hey Jackson" she said.

Lydia turned to me.

"And you are...."

"Lily I'm Lily" I said.

"You are coming with us to a party this weekend" she told me.

"Oh uhm yeah sure" I said shyly.

"You too" she said turning to Allison.

"Its Friday" Jackson added.

"Oh I can't go, Friday night is family night , thanks for asking" she said.

"You sure? Cause' everybody is going after the game" Jackson said.

"You like football?"

"Football no, the sport here is Lacrosse" Jackson said.

"We won championship for the pass two years"

"Because you're the team captain" Lydia said to Jackson.

I could tell that Allison was uncomfortable, I didn't blame her cause I was too.

"We have practice in a few minutes that is if you want to come"

"Well Lily and I had..."

"Perfect" Lydia said.

"Come on" she said grabbing my hand.

SILVER EYED WOLF ✘ S.STILINSKI [1]Where stories live. Discover now