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Shikamaru's POV

I was waiting by the gate for Naomi and her friends to return with Team Kakashi and Team Guy. Then, I saw Guy-sensei skidding a stop with Kakashi-sensei on his back and Lee followed him with another male behind him.

Naomi was in the back of the group goofing around with a younger male and I walked towards her, giving a kiss on the cheek. This action surprises her until she was on my back clinging at me like a life line and I gladly carried her.

"Not on public next time. Please. Its super embarrassing when your infront of my family friend." She whispered as the younger male watched us. "Next time." I whispered back as she purred back in response. I smiled and the male shook his friend up.

After shaking his friend woke up, Naomi watched them with a glare until I put her down infront of her apartment. She unlocked the door with a spare key under the carpet and all of us, including the two males, entered the apartment.

I took a sit on the sofa while grabbing a photo album on the shelf and opened it to see a bunch of pictures of Naomi and some Jounins. Smiling at the pictures, I felt some weight on the sofa and found both males loooking at me with curiousity.

"Who are you?" I asked closing the album and putting it on the coffee table. "Name's Ryu Altera and that's Ken Egnasio. Family friends of Naomi." Ryu replied before landing a light punch on Ken, who yelped out in pain and surprise. "You?" Ken asked whilst rubbing his side before glaring at Ryu.

"Shikamaru Nara, Naomi's future boyfriend."

This made both of them jaw-dropped before looking at each other and running to Naomi, which she was in the kitchen making dinner.

I look at the entrance of the kitchen and I only heard yelling, shouts of pain, and yelping of surprises. In urge going there, I immediatly went there and saw Naomi, who was holding a frying pan in hand, yelling at Ryu, who was on the floor holding his head, whilst Ken backing up a distance in fear.

I sighed and knocking the wood beside me. They stop what they were doing and look at me before going back what they were doing. Helping Ryu off the ground and Ken from his corner and led them outside, I approached Naomi and helped her put all of our dinner on the table, then called the boys.

Time Skip

After dinner, I left Naomi's apartment awhile ago and begin to hear them yelling at each other as I made towards back to my house.

And my mum's gonna kill me for being late, again. What a drag.

Third Person's POV

An unsettling thing dwelled inside Naomi which caused her to be wide awake in the past few days until Ryu and Ken brought her to the hospital next week.

The doctors and nurses found no evidence on her until Naomi started to feel something weird in the pit of her stomach and begin daily visits on the hospital.

Sakura have also noticed this until she called Lady Tsunade about Naomi's health and her daily visits in the hospital with stomach cramps.

Naomi layed in bed with wires and machines around her whilst the Fifth Hokage put a glowing hand on her stomach. Tsunade gasped before moving her hand away from her stomach and called Ryu.

Ryu arrived the room in minutes before Naomi has gone insane, which she was fully awake, and found her trying to break free from the restrains that held her. He could hear her laughing maniacally, seeing her normal yellow eyes turn to bloodshot ones, teeth grown sharper, her strength become unbearable and her silky calm voice turned into a cranky insane voice.

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