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I woke up inside my apartment fresh and ready the biggest day of my life. I begin to do my usual morning routine and locked my apartment. Upon locking my apartment, I put the spare key under the rock and sprinted towards the Hokage Building, where Team Asuma and Team Kurenai's Jounin students were.

Speaking of running towards the building, I've heard about Shikaku-sama's son have become a Jounin successfully with the geniusness in his head and teamwork with his teammates.

Then, I've heard about a Hyūuga student of Kurenai who almost risked her life after a genius of its clan almost killed her during the Chunnin Exams and now, she become a wonderful yet powerful and strong willed kunoichi.

I finally reached the office and lightly knock the door. After hearing a distant call for permission to come in, I opened the door and saw Team Asuma and Team Kurenai together. Being me, I put up a stone face and walked towards Hiruzen-sama.

"You have called me, Lord Third." I said bowing in respect as I felt eyes burning holes at the back of my head. Hiruzen-sama look at me before giving the file about the mission and I let him explain the details.

"I need all of you to find this 'group' where they took refuge at the border line of the Land of Fire. Do not engage in battle. Make sure that they are brought here with their master unharmed. This is a four-day journey. Be sure you have what you need." Hiruzen-sama explained as the teens exited the office leaving me and Hiruzen-sama in silence.

"This 'group' is none other than The Furious Five." I whispered through reading the file.


Time Skip

I have packed everything such as clothes, extra clothes, summoning scrolls, scrolls filled basic medical ninjutsu and kit, food, bottles of water, bird feeds, lightning scrolls, fire scrolls, another weapon pouch, senbon needles, and my white trenchcoat.

After locking my apartment and settting genjutsu traps everywhere, I sprinted towards the gates to see Team Asuma was already there with bags on their backs and I begin a conversation to them.

In the middle of our conversation, Team Kurenai arrived only to be found missing one of them and it was that Inuzuka boy. I approached Hinata and Shino after poofing my heavy bag into the extra scroll I have.

"Where's Kiba?" I asked politely shoving my scroll into my pocket. "He got busted by h-his mother a-again." Hinata replied shyly. "Because he forget to feed the pack again." Shino covered his female teammate quickly.

I sighed before biting my finger and slammed it to the ground. "Summong Jutsu!" I yelled as the puff of smoke subsided to reveal Riva. She was an elegant falcon with a keen sense of hearing and perched on my arm.

I nodded to her which she understood and flew off finding that Inuzuka kid. After a few minutes, Riva appeared next to me whilst Kiba and Akamaru skid a stop infront of me. Apologizing over and over, I finally forgive and for his punishment was to carry my heavy bag which no one helped him.

All of us have gathered by the gates for fives minutes already and begin to explain to them about our mission which was on the border of the Land of Fire. After explaining everything, we left Konoha earlier and begin to jump from tree to tree while the Team Kurenai try to find any signs of this 'group'.

First Night

It was already dark and Firu have mark the perfect camping area for all of us to spend the night. Everyone was cooperating each other and begin building their own tents while I build a fire with a small fire jutsu.

Firu and Riva have came back with a net filled with salmon and the three of us begin took turns on frying the fish over the fireplace in sticks. Everyone have gathered in a small circle before taking a fish or two after it was cooked. I took one salmon on stick and begin to chow down.

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