Chapter 10- Pricklefang

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Pricklefang felt a small smile play across his lips as he padded slowly across to Spark. The she-cat's eyes glinted with pride.
"So look at you, my little kitten, a warrior?" She purred teasingly.
"Shut up." Pricklefang nudged her gently. "I'm old enough for you to stop calling me your kitten!"
"Never too old." She grinned in a feral way, showing yellowed teeth. "But now's not the time. We're meeting the others today." She gestured with a claw. "Come on. Show me how fast you can run."
Pricklefang smiled. "With pleasure."
The two cats pounded through the forest, throwing up piles of dirt and digging their claws within the slimy earth. Pricklefang pulled ahead, taking great bounds and flattening himself low to the ground. Spark hissed in annoyance at being beaten by her pupil, swishing her tail and springing forward so she swerved around him to take the lead. They grappled playfully until they rolled in a heap towards the edge of an open clearing filled with cats. Pricklefang shook his fur and padded within the throng. Pelts brushed against his as he heard murmurs of his arrival.
"That's him. He's arrived!" A low voice growled with a smile. Pricklefang turned his head in the direction of the greeting.
He dipped his head in acknowledgement of the warrior. The Tom stood tall and silhouetted against the white rocks begins him. Wiry grey fur sprung in matted clumps from his body. He was striped with black and his tail swished violently as he padded across to Pricklefang. His claws were unsheathed and dug into the earth. He raised a claw and flicked it across Pricklefang's fur.
"Greetings." The Tom mewed with a satisfactory smile. He kept grinning as he gave a strong bound and heaved himself onto the rock.
"Toms and she-cats, outlawed by the clans, our meeting has begun!"

Felt like updating. Sorry for the short chapter. Enjoy!

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