Chapter 3- Ferndapple

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Ferndapple raced from behind the dark trees as she watched Pricklepaw pin Spark down. She shut her eyes, and, muttering to herself, awoke in her nest. Pausing only to sniff the air, she raced out of the entrance towards highpeak. The snow around was cold and crisp, and her black pelt was more than conspicuous against the icy white ground. She shook her fur and ducked behind a gorse bush that had snow crystallising on its branches. The first of the cries rang through the air.
"Ferndapple!" Yowled Pricklepaw from a short distance away. She could see him, over the crest of the hill. She turned to run, but what he said next stopped her.
"Ferndapple, I know who you are and what you've done! And I intend to help you do it!"
Ferndapple turned. Put on the act, he won't guess. "Of course you know who I am! We're in the same clan, for Starclan's sake!"
Pricklepaw smiled, with a malicious glint in his eyes. "Don't lie to me, you know what I mean, I'm talking about Spark, TRAITOR." He leapt onto her and pushed her roughly to the ground, the strength in his muscles much more than a normal apprentice.
"So, we're playing, are we?" Mewed Ferndapple softly. Suddenly, Pricklepaw smiled evilly. He turned his head, and suddenly his eyes flashed a startling gold. She blinked, and they had returned to the usual forest green, but Fernpaw knew what she had seen.
"So you're the new kid, huh?" She snarled, throwing him off as easily as a piece of prey. "I know you know more than you seem to. And yes, Pebblestar did die. And I killed him. But I know your face from more than today, oh yes." Ferndapple shuddered at the thought of the hulking Tom that came to her mind.
"I know you know," smiled Pricklepaw. Suddenly he stood up, and he seemed taller than he had been before. Ferndapple realised he WAS taller. His green eyes grew yellow and were flecked with piercing gold. His fur darkened, and became mottled with black, and his muscles widened and rippled under his thick pelt. His face was the face of the cat she loathed so much.

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