"She's right, Ainnileas," Maitru said. "You need everyone you can." It was odd seeing the Priest with a bow in his hand.

Ainnileas looked back at Mara and pushed her red brown hair over her ear. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, Papa."

"Alright. But when I tell you to go into the Temple, you do so."

"Of course."

Ainnileas joined the men and Tristan outside the wall.

"What were you when you were in the army?" Ryman asked.


"We're with you, Captain."

"Don't let them bite you."

"I know. I'm not immune or resistant."

Before Ainnileas could question how he knew that, they heard the first of the howls.


Jelina's race allowed her to be swift. She'd chosen the leather armor so that she wouldn't be hindered and had the freedom of movement. She outran the Wolf Brothers that had been directly behind her. But they were still on her trail, much faster than she'd expected them to be. The village came into view and she saw that it looked abandoned. She was glad that Ainnileas had seen that Tristan's appearance was a warning. Jelina felt something hit her from behind and she went down, losing her grip on a sword. She threw an elbow back and it connected with whatever had tackled her. She darted to her feet, drew her left thigh dagger, and spun around as the Wolf Brother tackled her again. The blade fell from her hand and she brought her remaining sword up. They struggled with it; she trying to kill him, he trying to disarm her. They grappled before the Wolf Brother sank his teeth into her right bicep just above the elbow. She cried out but held onto the sword. He bit harder and she was forced to let go. The wound throbbed and she could feel the blood flowing from it. The Wolf Brother went for her neck. Jelina threw her right arm up and pressed it against his throat in an attempt to keep him at bay. He snapped and snarled at her, drool dropping down onto her.

"Talk about bad breath," she muttered as she reached for the dagger she'd dropped. It was just out of her reach, her fingertips just centimeters from the hilt.

The Wolf Brother was sitting on top of her stomach, making it hard for her to inch closer to it. She had to reach it. Just a little closer... The Wolf Brother suddenly howled in pain. She looked up to see a sword through his chest, his blood dripping from the wound and onto her armor. A booted foot kicked him off. Ainnileas moved into her view, his sword blood covered.

He held his hand out. "We really should stop meeting like this," he said as he helped her to her feet.

"Where is everyone?" She gathered her lost weapons and wiped the drool from her cheek.

"In the Temple. It's the only place defensible and safe enough."

"Then we need to move. They weren't far behind me."

He took her injured and bloodied arm. "Already having fun, I see."

"Luckily, I'm immune. Let's go." They joined the other fighters outside the wall. She saw Ryman and nodded at him. "Ryman."

"Good to see you again, Jelina. Wish it was under better circumstances."

Ainnileas gave them both an odd look. "You know each other?"

"I was a Ranger recruit a long time ago."

"Are these all the fighters?" Jelina asked before Ainnileas could ask any more questions.

"We have a Priest and some of the women on the walls with bows to give us cover," Ainnileas answered.

Jelina looked everyone over. There were maybe ten fighters, including herself and Ainnileas. The archers numbered seven, which included two on the Temple's roof. Jelina knew this was going to be a hard fight and she hoped these brave villagers wouldn't have to sacrifice themselves. Tristan positioned himself in front of them, ears flat and the fur on the back of his neck standing at attention.

"If the fight goes south, all of you get behind that wall and bar the gate."

"We're with you, Ranger," one said. The others confirmed. They were willing to die to protect their village and families.

Ainnileas raised his sword. "Let's show them that we will stand against them!"


The pack was smaller than the one that had ambushed the caravan. But they were still outnumbered.

"Steady!" Ainnileas cried. The soldier in him had completely taken over, his training having never been forgotten. He wasn't the man, the trader, these people had known before that fateful trip. He was the captain that had led men into battle. The Wolf Brothers came into view.


Jelina and Tristan were the first to charge, followed by the rest of them. They crashed into the Wolf Brothers.

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