TWO~ Lights Gone Days End

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What does his house look like? What does it smell like? I bet it smells like Zayn. I could smell him all day. He smelled of a nice cologne and strawberries. Ok now I sound creepy.

What does his room look like?

So much to know!

The whole day passed in a blur of Zayn and more Zayn. Instead of taking the bus I thought Id walk to Zayns since it wasn't far. I phoned my mom telling he I had to work at a friends house and she said it was fine. I opened the doors and stood in the schools courtyard. I walked through it till I heard something. Uh oh...

"Hey dork." I turned around and saw my biggest bully,

Louis Tomlinson.

I gulped.

"What cha doing, not on the bus?" He asked walking closer. I was even more scared cause he didn't have his posse to back him up, because he was as strong as all of them combined.

"Answer me!" He pressed.

I gulped again.

"I-I'm g-going to a f-friends to work on a p-project." I stuttered, scared as hell.

"But I thought little Ni only had those fags as friends?" Louis question coming a lot closer and touched my face.

I built up some courage.

"They are not fags." I said through clenched teeth happy my voice didn't break.

Louis' hand stopped. He looked me straight in the eyes and slapped me and then pushed me.

I fell to the ground gripping my red face in agony. He began kicking and punching me repeatedly until I couldn't see properly. He kicked me in the stomach, face and punched all over.

Until I heard a voice in the distance.

"Hey! Get off him! Fuck off man!" That voice it was familiar. It wasn't until I saw him push Louis down and beat him I realized who he was. He came over to me and called my name worriedly.

His face was the last thing I saw until I blacked out.


I woke up what felt like an hour later in a room that wasn't mine.

I looked around scared and confused. I saw posters of bands. The walls were a maroon color and had wooden floor. Things looked neat and ordinary, a bit like my room.

As I was taking everything in I didn't hear the door.

"How you feeling Niall?" That familiar voice! I whipped my head to the doorway to see the one and only, Zayn.

"I-Im f-fine." I said.

"Do you feel nauseas or dizzy or anything?" He asked walking closer to me and sitting on the end of the bed.

"No." I reassured him.

"Ok." He said. There was an awkward pause for a moment until I spoke up.

"Where am I?" I asked hoping my question will be answered.

"At my house, in my room." Zayn simply answered.

My eyes widened. I'm in Zayns ROOM, Im in Zayns HOUSE. I wish I was conscious the first time I walked in here.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Well I was on my way home, until I heard something and so I followed the sound to the end of the courtyard. There I saw that Tomlinson kid beating you up. I got really mad so I went to protect you. So I beat his ass and then carried you to my house where I cleaned you up and tucked you into my bed." He said explaining everything.

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