Bringing Up Old Memories

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QOTC: "If you were on the other side of the world, I'd still find my way back to you" 


"How much longer babe?" I ask; looking over at Axel. 

He glances over at him. "You know, if you were almost anyone else; I would of told you to shut up because we will get there when we get there. But you called me 'babe', so i'll answer you. It's about 20 minutes." 

"I should call you babe more often." I whisper to myself. Axel just smirk. 

22 minutes later (yes, I kept track) I started to see familiar surroundings. 

I look out the window, trying to see where we were going. 

"Axel, are we going where I think we are?"

He just chuckles; conforming my supposition.

When we finally arrive, I look at him. "What are we doing here?"

"I thought we'd take it back to where it basically all began." He says looking out at the cabin. 

"Aww, you are being romantic right now?" I say and he starts blushing. I giggle. We get out and go inside. "It's exactly like I remember from last time!" 

I lean over and kiss him. "Thank you." 

The last time we were here, we had just grow close to each other, and we were running away from our problems. There's a lot of memories and firsts in this cabin. 

I run into the bedroom. The bed exactly how I remembered. I run and jump on the bed; giggling. Axel brings our bags into the room. 

"I wish Sebastian could of came." I say. 

"I know babe, but I wanted this weekend to be just us. Only you and me. And this way we don't have to worry about him." 

I sit up on the bed. "Why are you so good to me?" I ask, smiling at him. 

"I haven't been good to you lately, and I'm sorry." he says, sitting on the bed, facing away from me.  

I lean over and put my hand on his shoulders; rubbing them.

"Please stop blaming yourself....for me." I ask him. He sighs but nods his head. I just stare at him for a few seconds before jumping up. "Alright, I want to do something!" 

"What do you want to do?" Axel asks looking up at me. 

I put a finger on my chin. "Hm, Oh! I know. Can we go on a hike?" 

"Sure, that's sounds amazing." 

"Ok, I just need to change into some better clothes." I say, and hop off the bed. I start walking to the bathroom, when there's a light tap on my butt. I can't help but smile. 

(After getting ready) 

"You ready babe?" Axel shouts from outside. 

"Yes, I'm coming!" I say and step outside a minute later. 

Axel smiles at me, and then holds out his hand; waiting for me to take it. Which I do. 

"How far are we going?" I ask after a few minutes of walking. 

"Not far, we need to go back to eat." 

I nod my head. "Okay." 


"This view is amazing!" I say. 

Axel turns around from looking out at the mountains. "Yeah, it's beautiful." He turns and looks out again. 

"Oh, yeah. The mountains are amazing too." I say with a giggle. 

He turns his head towards me again. "Come on babe." He says and holds out his hand. I walk up to him and take it; snuggling into him. 

After watching the birds fly for a few more minutes, Axel asks if we should head back. 

"Are you hungry?" 

"Um, a little." I say honestly. 

"Okay, we can head back in a minute. I have to get something." He says and disappears into the woods. I stare at the spot he disappeared in confusion. But then I snap into realty. This is a perfect moment. 

I start taking everything out of my backpack and setting it up. I lay the blanket down on the ground, and then got out 2 pillows. I pulled out the food next; setting it on the blanket. 

I smell Axel coming closer, so I quickly light the candles. He appears just as I get the last one to light. 

"What's all this?" 

"It's for us. I wanted to do something romantic." Axel just smiles. "Come on, lets eat." 

We sit down, and start eating the many different foods I brought. Axel holds up a strawberry to my mouth. I take a bite. I moan. "That's really good." 

Axel smiles. 


The night grows darker, as we continue to eat. But then all of a sudden, I feel this burn in my chest. Axel notices the sudden change in my mood. 

"What's wrong my little rose?" 

"I think.......I think i'm in h-heat." I choke out; trying not to sob from the pain. 

Axel's eyes grow black.  He shoots up and comes over to me. I shiver. 

"You are baby."  

I nod my head. "What do we do?" I ask. 

He stands me up. He starts running around like a physio.  

Once all of the stuff is picked up, he can hold back his shift anymore. I start walking back, trying to give him space, but he just growls. 

He shifts, and I get on his back. 

In 10 minutes on the dot, we get to the cabin. I get off his back and walk inside, holding the door open for him to come in; wolf form. 

I head back to the bedroom, sitting on the bed. I stare at his green eyes. "Axel please. I need you to shift back......please." I say through tired. I squeeze my eyes shut, but when I open them again; he's walking out. 


Sorry for the late update. I was gone over the weekend, on a school trip. I didn't have time to write. 

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