Oh, Secrets

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QOTC: "Her heart was a secret garden, and her walls were very high." 


After the shock subsided, we all decided that it was best to go home and prepare for the funeral. A week later, I still haven't told anyone. Probably not the best time either. 

Axel and I've been staying in the castle, since we want to be close by for anyone that needs it. 

"Luna? Are you doing alright? You haven't said a word since you got here 20 minutes ago!" Jane says; snapping me out of my daze. 

"Oh, yes. Just a lot going on." 

She nods her head. "How was the honeymoon?" one of her friends asks. 

"It was wonderful." I tell her and she seems to be satisfied. 

"Where did Alpha take you?" 

"He bought me a house in New Zealand. So we vacationed there." 

"Sounds amazing." 

"It was. I wish we could of got to spend more time there, but that's okay. The house it ours now, we can go whenever we want." 

"That's so romantic! You are one luck girl!" 

I smile thinking about Axel. I know he's going through a lot right now, and I'm not quite sure how to help him. But then an idea comes to mind. 

I excuse myself and head up to our bedroom. I close the door, and turn around to see Sebastian playing with a toy on our bed.  

"Seb! What are you doing? You're going to get slobber all over the sheets!" I yell at him, he puts his ears down and brings out the puppy eyes. "Well played." I tell him, and get him off the bed. I change the ruined sheets, and put on new ones. 

I go to the closet, and find a sexy piece that I got from the mall for our honeymoon. "This should cheer him up." I say, putting it on. I put a robe on and go back into our bedroom. I glance at Seb and decide that he shouldn't be in here when his parents are doing the nasty. 

-Please send someone to take care of Sebastian for a few hours.- I say through the pack link. A few minutes later, there is someone at the bed room door for him. I give the teenage girl my puppy and a few toys, promising to reward her. She walks away with a smile. 

I lay on the bed, opening the robe; revealing the sexy babydoll underneath. I snap a few pictures sending them to Axel with the caption. "I'm a little cold. Maybe you could warm me up?" Adding a few winky emojis to get the point across. 

He reads the message right away, and soon he's responding. I wait intently as the 3 dots appear on screen. 

'I'm in a meet' is his response.  

I sigh in disappointment. I sit on the bed for a few minutes longer, until I give up. I change back into my normal clothes and text my mom. 

'Can we meet up?' 

She replies telling me "of course". A hour later, we're having coffee together. 

"Thanks for coming!" I tell her while giving her a hug as she reaches the table I picked out. She smiles and hugs me back. 

"Of course Sweetie. I had nothing better to do anyway." She says honestly as we pull apart. We sit down and start to talk shortly after my mom gets a drink. We are going to be here a while. 

"So what's on your mind?" She asks. 

"Axel." I say and pause; thinking about how to explain this. "He's been a little closed off since the honeymoon. I mean, I don't blame him. His Beta died, and he has a whole looking to him for guidance." I tell my mom. 

She nods her head. "How is he closed off?" 

"Um. Well he comes home late, goes to work early before I get up. Doesn't eat, barely even looks at me anymore. We are falling back into old habits." 

"He's for sure stressed. You don't need a doctor to tell you that. Have you tried to get him to relax?" 

I nod my head. "Several times. Nothing works! I've tried bring lunch to him, I've tried to make him take a nap. I even tried to get him to have sex with me today. He just replied that he's in a meeting." 

"I've gone through this before with your father. But I did the same things and it work. I'm not sure what to tell you." 

"It's so frustrating. Not to mention, even harder being pregnant." I say before I can think about what I'm saying. 

My mom's eyes go huge. "You're pregnant?" 

I smile with a nod. "Yes. Only about 2 and a half weeks. You can't even hear the heartbeat yet." 

She makes a very high pitched noise; jumping up. Then gets up and hugs me. "I knew it! I knew it!"  

I giggle at her excitement. She sits back down. "I'm going to be a grandmother." She states. 

"Congrats grandma!" 

"My first grandchild." She keeps telling her self these kinds of things, as if it isn't real. 

After she snaps out of it, she asks if Axel knows.

"Yes. I was just about to tell him, when we got the news of Krit's passing. After he found out the news of the baby and Krit, he froze up and hasn't been the same since." 

"Oh. Have you told anyone else?"

"No. I didn't think it would a good time." 

"It's probably for the best to keep it on the down low for right now." My mom agrees. "So am I the only one that knows?" 

"Besides Axel and the doctor. And it's going to stay that way. Okay?" 

She nods her head. "Of course. I'm just so happy!" 

"I am too!" 

We go on talking for a while after that. Talking about Axel and the baby. The best idea for Axel is for him to snap out of it. Unfortunately i don't know how to help him with that.

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