Not my style ☆~¤.¤~☆

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This story is set in Canada before Wu Yifan graduated and auditioned for SM ENT. I will attempt to make this humorous so you will have to wait to see if I'm funny! >:I

(Y/N) = Your name
(Y/F/N) = Your full name
(Y/L/N) = Your last name
(Y/FD/N) = Your friend's name
(Y/D/N) = Your father's name ( I am awfully sorry if you don't have parents in real life, but, for the sake of the story, pretend you do)
(Y/M/N) = Your mother's name
(H/C) = Your hair colour
(E/C) = Your eye colour
(S/C) = Your skin colour
(H/L) = Your hair length
(Y/F/S) = Your favourite song


"So, miss (Y/L/N), what lead you to Basketball?" Your principal, Mr Hassenbürger, politely asked you.

"Well, sir, believe it it not, in primary school, it was HPE that got me into it. We were playing Basketball for the first time and I was naturally good at it, and I found it exhilarating. The teacher in charge of the HPE department went to my parents and told them about my talent. They were shocked and enrolled me in an outside of school Basketball team to test my skills. They saw that I actually had an amazing talent for the sport, and with proper training, could become a professional. I had already surpassed the skills of most freshman student basketballers. I kept up with the training all the way through primary school and middle school so... well... here I am!" You finished, slightly out of breath.

"Ah so we have a basketball prodigy here, do we? Well then. I'd hate to break it to you, but we have no spaces in our female team." You felt you eyes well up with tears, but your principal cut you off before you could say anything. "But, due to your skill, I think we can make an exception and put you in our male team, but expect more of a challenge in both skill and acceptance of the boys on the team. We had two brothers leave the team because they moved to Australia. One of them was always on the bench, but the other was one of the most fierce on the team, so the space you will be filling is his space, so expect a bit of clashing from the team mates." The man who seemed godly to you now concluded.
"I can't thank you enough sir!" You exclaimed with tears in your eyes, but this time, not sad ones, they were very happy tears. (right now I'm imagining little smiling tears and it is very disturbing)

He dismissed you and you went to meet your new team. Let's just say, you were intimidated.

To say the least, they were huge. Tall, broad and muscly in all of the right areas.

"Boys, this is (Y/F/N). I expect you to get comfortable with having a female on your team, because whenever we travel she will be accompanying us, as she should, as a member of the team. This means, boys, that she will be bunking with you, but don't get any ideas, we will have audio bugs placed around her bed. Now, team captain! Stand up and observe your new team mate." The coach called the captain over.
"(Y/N)?!?!?" He exclaimed.
"KRIS?!" You yelled, equally surprised.
"You two know each other, then..." The coach trailed off.

Wu Yifan (Kris Wu) X Reader -  Winning Is For LosersWhere stories live. Discover now