"SECURITY!" I screamed as the person kept running. Ben dropped the playbill he was signing and started sprinting after the person.

"PUT HER DOWN!" Ben screamed as he chased the person in the hoodie. Security started chasing behind both of them and I followed. Ben caught up to the person and grabbed the back of their jacket. "YOU FUCKING BITCH PUT HER DOWN!" Ben screamed but the person slipped from his grip. We continued to chase the person until they turned into an ally and were trapped. "SET THE GIRL DOWN NOW." Ben said getting closer to the person. They set her down but held onto her shirt. I could see the fear in Melinas eyes from all the way in the back. Security raised their guns at the person and had to hold Ben back.

"RELEASE THE GIRL." One of the security guards screamed. I didn't recognize this person, he was some man I had never met. He pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at Melinas head.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! SHOOT HER AND I WILL KILL YOU." Ben screamed his face red with anger. Tears were streaming down her face. Security wouldn't let me and Ben pass them.

"If he takes one step closer to me I will shoot her." The kidnapper said, his hand that the gun was in shaking.

"Ben stay back." I said grabbing his arm.


"Ben!" I said. "I don't think he's gonna pull the trigger." I whispered. "Look at his hand, he doesn't want to die. And you can see the fear in his eyes. He doesn't want to shoot her." I whispered. Ben looked at me confused. "Security put your guns down." I said.

"Jordyn what are you-" Ben asked freaking out but I cut him off.

"Ben trust me." I said. "Security, guns down."

"Miss Lively is that really the best option here? One of them asked.

"Yes." I said. They out there guns down and I stepped in front of them.


"Hey, nobody needs to die here. Listen, just set your gun down, and give me the girl and nothing will happen." I said.

"How do I know they won't try and shoot me?" He asked.

"I promise they won't. Set down your gun, release the girl, and I promise they won't shoot you." I said calmly. He looked at me uncertain.

"It wasn't supposed to go this far. She just told me to grab the girl and bring the girl to her and then she would give me the money." The guy said.

"Who said that?" I asked.

"Marissa." He said. That bitch.

"Where is she now?" I asked.

"She's waiting for me in a truck behind the gas station." He said. One of the security guys ran off, telling the location into his walkie talkie.

"Please, just put the gun down. She's only 10, you are scaring her to death." I said. He slowly set the gun down and then let go of her jacket. She sprinted to me and I grabbed her and picked her up. I slowly pulled the duct tape off her mouth and just held her in a hug as she cried. The cops arrested the man and Ben ran over to us. He grabbed Melina out of my arms and held her as they both cried.

"Melina I am so sorry this happened to you." Ben cried. A couple minutes later, Josh, Sky, Cody, and Sabrina all ran over.

"Oh my gosh is she ok?" They asked. I walked away from Ben who was still holding Melina so she couldn't hear.

"The guy held her at gunpoint and threatened to shoot her. There's gonna be some major trauma there." I said.

"Oh my gosh, I can only imagine. What the fuck who would do that?" Nick asked.

"Marissa." Sky said.

"I should've listened to you sky, this is all my fault." I said.

"Jordyn it's not all your fault. I just can't believe Marissa would go to such extreme lengths. But don't worry, Melina is safe now." Josh said.

"Safe and traumatized! She's 10 and was just held at gunpoint!" I said. "How am I going to tell her mom?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that now, just comfort Melina." Sabrina said. Security took us 3 back to the hotel and they made all 3 of us call out of for the evening show for security purposes. Melina fell asleep on Ben and I had decided to call her mom. When she answered I explained to her what happened and she didn't even seem to care. She was alarmed but she just didn't even seem concerned. Ben has now fallen asleep with Melina and I was laying there alone. Ugh, this is all my fault. I trust Marissa, I can't believe this. I'm honestly just shocked. This poor little girl who has no father, a family that hardly cares about her and never notices her, was just in the hospital, was now almost kidnapped and held at gun point. And that was my fault. I can't believe this. She deserves so much more than this. She deserves a loving family who will keep her safe.

"Hey you ok?" I heard Ben ask.

"I thought you were asleep." I said.

"No, can't sleep. I am honestly shocked her mom just didn't care." Ben said.

"I am too." I said.

"If my daughter was held at gun point I would....well....do what I did today. Except actually get to punch the bastard." Ben said.

"Do you think she will be ok?" I asked.

"Hopefully." Ben said.

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