Author Q&A

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Hello all! So recently a reader asked me to answer some questions for them so I figured why not make it a whole Q&A! These are questions people ask me a lot! So before the next chapter is published here is a short Q&A XOXO CLARA

Q: When did you start writing Newsies Love?
A: I started writing it during the summer because I was super bored one day and figured why not!

Q: What gave you the idea for the story?
A: Well as I said it was summer and I was super bored. I had never really read fan fiction or gotten into them but somehow, I don't remember how, I came across a newsies fan fiction. It wasn't like the other newsies fan fictions I had read, it was about the people not the characters. This one was about the OBC though, the touring show hadnt even started. I read it and I was like "oh my gosh this is amazing!" And then I reached the end and I was like "aw man." So I decided I wanted to read another but with the touring cast. I searched and searched and searched and nothing came up. Which really bummed me out because I really wanted to read it. But then I was like "hey why can't I write it?" So I decided I was going to write one! And since I started mine tons of others about the toursies have popped up and I think it's so great that I was able to kinda start it!

Q: when you first started writing it, did you imagine it being this successful?
A: NO! I honestly thought it would fail. I never imagined getting over 200 views on each chapter and getting all these comments and messages about my story! It's unreal how just me being bored led to this!

Q: What is your inspiration to write these chapters?
A: A lot of times I will be sitting somewhere and an idea will pop into my head randomly. I have a notebook that nobody is allowed to read and when I get an idea I quickly scribble it down. I will usually create a very elaborate plot and then halfway through writing the chapter I change it. When I start writing something else takes over. Sometimes I will have a plan for a chapter and I will start writing and then when I'm reading it before I publish it I'm like "woah I wrote that?" It's really odd!

Q: How often will you write?
A: As much as I can! It's such a calming activity and it is so fun to create a world. All these little movie reels are playing in my head and it's so great to write them down and have others read it! I will be sitting on the train writing, in lunch, in my room, everywhere! It's awesome and it's my favorite thing to do!

Q: Do you communicate with your readers?
A: HELL YES! That's like my favorite thing to do! I get super excited when I log on and see that somebody left like 20 comments on a chapter like all throughout the story! I can't be there and see their reactions when they are reading so when they leave comments throughout the story on what they think about it, it makes me so happy and always makes my day. I have tons of people send me messages and I love when they send messages! I always try my best to answer! It's amazing how I am allowed this where I can talk to the readers and get to know them!

Q: So do you get a lot of messages from readers?
A: oh yeah! They will send me compliments on the story, ask for advice or for me to read a chapter of their story and tell them how it is and for advice! It's so cool! It's really funny when they message me freaking out when something big happens. My messages on here and instagram are always open!

Thank you all so much for reading my silly little story, it means so much! New chapter coming at ya soon! Make sure to keep up with the comments throughout the stories! Comment on here if you have any questions for me I would love to answer them! XOXO CLARA

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