Time Jump

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Jordyn POV:

I ran down the street, snow flakes falling all around me.

"Ben keep up!" I laughed. I turned around and grabbed his arm pulling him behind me.

"Jordyn I'm going to slip and fall on ice!" Ben said. I continued to run and pull him behind me when I finally stopped in the middle of time square.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I smiled. "New York in the snow!" My smile was from ear to ear and my eyes scrunched up.

"Jordyn it's cold!" Ben said shoving his hands in his pocket.

"I don't care! Have you ever seen anything more beautiful? All the freshly fallen snow, so pure and sparkling in the sun! Come on make a snow angel with me!" I laughed throwing myself down into the snow. I started moving my arms up and down trying to make a snow angel. I sat up and Ben was standing above me staring at me.  "Ben!" I protested. He looked down at me, just staring. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down into the snow next to me.

"JORDYN!" Ben screamed as he fell down.

"Ben how many times can you say you made snow angels in Times Square?" I laughed. He looked at me for a second and then grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. I grabbed some snow in my hand and after a minute I pulled away and shoved the snow in his face.

"YOURE DEAD LIVELY!" Ben screamed. I quickly jumped up and ran. Ben finally caught back up and tackled me into the snow. We were down in the snow laughing when a group of girls came up.

"Jordyn and Ben? Can we get a picture with you?" The girls asked.

"Of course!" I smiled. I stood up and pulled Ben up behind me. One of the girls started to cry. "Aw sweetie why are you crying?" I asked.

"Because you guys are standing right in front of me." She said through tears. I grabbed her in a hug and we all took a picture. She was crying even harder now. I let go of her and Ben grabbed her in a hug next.

"She's such a huge fan of you two. She watches the show everyday." The girls mom said.

"Where's Parker?" Another girl asked.

"She has a major crush on Parker." The third girl said.

"Shut up!" The girl said back.

"I think he's back in his apartment still. Here why don't we try him on FaceTime!" I said. The crying girl started to cry even harder. I pulled out my phone and facetimed Parker.

"Hey J!" He smiled when he answered. "Where are you?"

"I'm in Times Square with Ben and some girls who want to say hi to you!" I said. I turned the camera around and the girls started to scream. When did we become so famous that girls would cry over us? After the girls talked to Parker they gave us one final hug and left. I grabbed Ben's hand and continued down the street.

"JORDYN LIVELY AND BEN COOK!" A loud voice said from behind us. We turned around and out security guard was standing behind us. Shoot he caught up.

"Hey Steve!" I smiled turning around.

"Steve-O!" Ben laughed.

"Would you too stop running away from me!" He said.

"Steve we don't need a security guard we aren't that famous." Ben laughed. All of the sudden a bunch of girls started to scream and run towards us.

"Ok this is your fault for screaming our name Steve." I said. We turned and hurried into our apartment building. We laughed as we sat down on the couch in the lobby.

"I swear you two. Go up to Ben's apartment before these girls come in." Steve said. "Go on lovebirds." He laughed. I jumped onto Ben's back and he ran to the elevator.

"It's weird that we can't just walk down the street without people recognizing us." Ben said.

"Yeah, I liked Broadway famous better." I said. Our show had only been on for a month now but people already recognized us. Ben grabbed me in a hug and kissed the top of me head.

"Love you." He said pressing his forehead against mine.

"Love you too." I smiled.

Sky POV:

"Ready...set...." I started.

"Go!" Josh screamed. We each grabbed a beer and started chugging it as fast as we could. I slammed my empty beer bottle down on the table.

"DONE!" I screamed as Josh took his final sip. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and raised my fists in the air. Just then Jordyn and Ben came in the door laughing.

"Hey look it's Hollywoods favorite couple." Josh laughed.

"Sky win another beer chug?" Jordyn laughed.

"You know it!" I said. She raised her hand for a high five and I slapped her hand.

"Don't get your ego too big sky, you have still never beat Jordyn." Ben laughed.

"Why don't we go now little Ms Sunshine." I said grabbing two beers out of the fridge.

"Challenge accepted." Jordyn smirked grabbing one of the beers. We sat down at the table and Ben and Josh jumped onto the counter.

"Hello and welcome to beer chugging." Ben said grabbing a beer and making it a microphone.

"Today it is the battle of the reigning champion Jordyn Lively versus her runner up Sky Flaherty." Josh said into another beer.


"Ok you two know the rules. It's simple. You will start on our count off." Josh said.

"1...2....3....GO!" Ben and josh both screamed. We both quickly picked up our beers and started to chug them. "CHUG CHUG CHUG!" They screamed. Jordyn slammed her empty beer bottle down on the table half a second before I could.

"SUCK IT FOOL!" She said jumping up on the chair.

"AND JORDYN LIVELY REMAINS THE CHAMPION!" Ben screamed jumping off the counter. He ran and grabbed her in kiss as she held up her empty beer bottle.

"I can't believe you guys have been dating for a month now." Josh laughed.

"I can't believe Hollywood never found out before that we weren't actually dating." Jordyn said.

"Well I'm glad we are so that it doesn't feel like a lie anymore." Ben said opening up his beer.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Jordyn asked.

"We are going down to the bar to pick up some dates. I don't know what you two are doing." I said.

"What? No! We are all hanging out tonight!" Jordyn protested.

"Come on J!" I said.

"Please?" She asked and made her puppy face. Shit she knows none of us can resist her puppy face.

"Fine. What do you want to do tonight?" I asked.

"Let's play just dance!" Jordyn smiled.

"Out of everything we could do." Ben laughed.

"Hey you guys are dancers!" Jordyn said. Me and Josh looked at each other.

"Bar." We both said and ran out the door.

"GET THE FUCK BACK-" Jordyn started but we closed the door and ran before she could finish. The elevator doors opened to reveal a single person standing in the back of the elevator.

"Holy-" I started.

"Shit." Josh finished.

"Oh hey guys. Is Jordyn in?" The person asked. Oh hell to the no.

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