Chapter 12 - First Akatsuki Member

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Chapter 12 - First Akatsuki Members

Shortly after I dashed into the forest, I summoned Yonakamaru (夜中丸) to travel with me. Yonakamaru is a giant bird of glossy dark gray plumage. The things I find the most attractive about him are his long wavy tail feathers with a subtle tint of platinum on the tips, and the feathers on his head that shaped like a "crown". His name 夜中丸 means "midnight", derived from his feather's color. Yonakamaru is extraordinarily intelligent despite his young age for a summoning animal. He aided me many times in combat, sometimes it was him who figured out the enemy's weakness thanks to his sharp observations. I signed a contract with Mount Reiichi (Mount Mystic/Wisdom) when I was about 10, Yonakamaru's size was way smaller back then.

It was too much of a drag to recount to Yonakamaru everything from my kekkei genkai's awakening to my plan of spying on Konoha. So, I simply put that I must secretly give reinforcement to two Konoha ANBUs who are heading to Amekagure on a top mission. I remembered the direction those two took, so it was easy to get on the right track, and we were flying much faster than traveling on foot. I bet we can catch up very soon. 

With Yonakamaru's amazing speed, we reached Amekagure's border in as short as two hours. Since I lost track of the two, we must search for them in the sky. However, since they were vigilant, they might hide from us if we got noticed. This just greatly increased the searching difficulty. Luckily my bird's eye sight is really amazing, and we caught the moving shadows of the two ANBUs'. From there on, I landed on foot to tail them, staying up in the sky was too risky. They long past their physical bodies' limit and finally stopped to rest. I hid in somewhere discreet and tried to catch on any conversations. But there were none. They were really exhausted.

I can't believe they actually took a nap and went fetch water by the river. But it was understandable for their condition. In the meanwhile, I foraged for food too, it was convenient for both of us! 

My patience was starting to run low until they finally decided to continue their mission. It didn't seemed that they were just pointlessly running around, they were searching for the hideout in their own fashion. A spontaneous chain of explosion suddenly ringed in the rainy forest we are in. Everyone grew alert, especially the ANBUs. Without warning they dashed to the direction of the explosions. I quickly followed.

At the location of the incident, trees were all severely damaged and smokes covered the whole region.

"My man, that's what art's beauty all about, Hm." Said an enthusiastic voice from within the heavy smoke.

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