Chapter 11 - Mission Revealed! Get Ready for Action!

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Chapter 11 - Mission Revealed! Get Ready for Action!

The two ANBUs had no time to spare; they jumped from one tree branch to the next at full speed while I tailed them from a close distance. The two started to occasionally exchange a few words so I quickly approached them lest they were discussing the mission plan.

"Tsunade-sama really put our lives on the line here, we can't make it back alive if we are not careful." Said the bird-masked ANBU.

"Sounds like they aren't really confident about this mission, just what are they suppose to accomplish this time?" I thought to myself.

"It's okay, we are only responsible to find their hideout, nothing more. At least we can avoid any fights if we don't come across any of their members." Replied Tenzo.

"We are talking about the Akatsuki here, even one of their guy will be a handful for the two of us." Said the bird-masked ANBU wearily.

"Akatuski???" I think I once heard this name from our Clan Elders as the main reason to keep our Clan's Teimaboroshi jutsu a secret to people outside. They said this organization is likely to be interested in that power. Wow the Akatsuki must be so bad ass!

Occasionally the two ANBUs stopped on their track to conceal themselves when there were other Ninjas around. They slept little, and in turns. Mission was obviously their top priority. I was actually greatly impressed with Konoha's ANBU, for their vigilance and effort. Nothing more is necessary to pay attention to, now that I know their goal is to just find the Akatsuki's hideout.

What seemed like two days had past since their departure, the ANBUs reached the border between the Land of Fire and Amegakure (Hidden Rain Village). My body must be languished by now; fasting for two days without food or water! Now I know they are heading for Amegakure, I shall go back to my physical body to replenish myself and catch up with the ANBUs in person later. I concentrated on my physical body and went back in almost immediately. My body is a whole again! Gosh I didn't know the taste of famine was so unbearable! My throat was literally desiccated and my lips all pale. My body is dehydrated and I felt weak. I felt so stupid for not coming back a little earlier. What if the Konoha ANBUs got into trouble now and are dying?! Damn I can't linger here anymore! A house servant suddenly slid open the shoji and found the miserable me.. She gave a little shriek but quickly covered her mouth. Do I look so bad?

"Quickly bring me something to eat, and LOTS of waterrrr...!!!!!!!" My dried voice yelled.

"HAI!" And the sevant dashed off..

An hour later my body almost completely recovered. I didn't need any sleep though, I was meditating for the past two days, the engergy I stored is far than enough to let me stay awake for several consecutive days. After I fully recovered, I gathered my Ninja tools and even carefully selected a dual sword to bring it with me. After all, this time the enemy is the Akatuski.

"I sound wrong to say this, but I look forward to see how they look like, hehe." I immediately cursed myself.

I'm off!

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