Time bomb

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It was like a time bomb set into motion,

We knew that we were destined to explode,

And if I had to pull you out of the wreckage,

You know I'm never gonna let you go.

Song: All time low- Time bomb


Luna's POV

As soon as I stepped into my house, everything had felt different. It was weird to be here on my own. I didn't have to fear for my mother here, I wouldn't have to hide things or be quiet anymore. At the other hand, I did have to provide food for myself. And I needed to keep the place clean.

I placed my backpack on the dinner table, something my mom would never let me do. I looked around the place and everything was quiet. My eyes stopped at the pile of mail that was on the doormat.

I grabbed them and looked through them. Taxes, taxes, insurance, taxes. Jeez, if growing up meant that I have this much to pay, then I'll pass on growing up.

On the bottom of the stash was a flyer that drew my attention, though. It said that there was a CD-store opening nearby. And they were still looking for employees!

I stared at the piece of paper in my hand for a while. If I had a job, then I was maybe able to save for a cell phone, or maybe even a car in the far future. And I wouldn't be depended of my parents' money anymore. And as soon as I finished school, I would at least have a steady base to move out of here. Which I was definitely going to do. I wanted to finish high-school, but there was no way I was going to stay in this fucking house with my fucking mom.

I turned the flyer around and there was a phone number on the back of it. I considered calling them, it said that they were available to call until eight in the evening. I eyed the clock in the kitchen. Ten minutes to eight. Perfect timing, Luna.

I took the phone from a shelve in the living room and dialled the number on the back of the flyer. After a few beeps, they answered it. "CD and game store 'crash', you're speaking with Amanda, how can I help you?" the woman at the other end of the line said way too fast for me to follow.

"Yes, you're speaking with Luna Fall. I'm living only a few blocks away to the street where you are going to open up a new store and I was wondering if I could apply for a job." I said as polite as my mom taught me.

"We still need a few people. I just need to ask you a few questions over the phone before I can invite you for an appointment. Is that okay to you?" she asked and I noticed she had a friendly voice.

The phone let out three beeps, meaning that there was another incoming call. I raised my eyebrow. Who would be calling me right now? Whoever it was could probably wait.

"Yes sure. One second, please." I said a bit rushed and took the phone away from my ear. I clicked the second call away without looking at the number and then put the phone against my again.

"Excuse me for that. Please, go ahead." I said.

"It's okay. So you have to be at least sixteen to get the job. May I ask how old you are?" Amanda the telephonist asked.

"I'm seventeen, so that won't be a problem. I do still go to school, I hope that's no problem." I said, hoping to god it wasn't. How cool would it be to work at a CD store?

"Oh that's great! And not at all, we're mainly searching for someone to work on Saturday's. Are you available then?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am." I said. Beep. Beep. Beep. I clicked the call away again. It was probably my parents who wanted to yell at me for leaving. I would deal with them later.

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