Out of Place, Luna. <\3

Depuis le début

"You all stop it this instant before I report this inappropriate behavior to the Alpha! Now apologize!" Esther yelled. I stood there until I just couldn't stand it anymore so I ran out crying, how could I compete with her or any of them!

'You need to stop eating pizza and junk!' My wolf whispers.

I ran upstairs, grabbing all my things. I don't belong here.

"Yvonne!??" My mate's voice made butterflies appear in my stomach.

"What happened?!" He asked

"I have to go." A tear rolled down my face.

"You're not going anywhere!" He yelled; I felt his eyes on me.

Two arms appeared around me, but I couldn't help but think it was Jack touching me. I shoved him away. I saw the anger in his eyes, his eyes were black as night.

Dominick's P.O.V

She pushed me away.... I knew that the girls in my pack wouldn't like her because they all were hoping to be Luna, especially Becka. My father has been trying to set us up since we were kids, but I never liked her in that way. I was furious when Yvonne pushed me away, I have enough to worry about. The Bright Moon Stone Pack keeps invading our territory, my company, Training, and this stupid superstition my father had about the curse. I have no time for her to be acting like a Drama Queen, when I'm trying to help!

I ran downstairs, " Pack Meeting NOW!!!!" I yelled

Everyone was gathered up, I heard Becka talking shit as usual.

"Listen Up! I told everyone to treat My Mate with respect, I got the total opposite!! She is Luna, you look at her like it's me. She is my other half, she is My Mate, she is Your Luna and she will be treated right!! If you got a Damn problem with it, discuss it with me.And you Becka, you have extra duties on patrolling and no breaks!  Got It!?"

"Yes Sir!" They all said

I ran back upstairs, only to feel two small arms wrap around me.

"Thank You." She whispered

I picked her up, "We need to talk."

We sat down on the bed, "tell me what has been upsetting you? I want to make it better."

Then she asked me, "First, tell me why your father dislikes me so much?"

Remembering the conversation my father and I had a while ago; I can't tell her. I just can't!

"He doesn't dislike you; he just is trying to look out for me. Especially when you never told me what Pack you are from, we have so many enemies. Hes just worried, The Bright Moon Stone Pack has had us on our toes."

I should have told her about the real conversation, but I didn't know how. She would be ashamed of me; I wouldn't be able take the rejection.  I would try my best to keep her.

Yvonne P.O.V

When he said 'Bright Moon Stone Pack' it brought back all the memories of my family and Jack's abuse. I knew if I told him, he would be furious. I want to tell him, but what would he think or do?!

"I am not strong enough to be Luna." I kept thinking about what Becka said. She was better and I don't belong here. He probably does feel bad for me. My wolf whimper, just thinking about Becka and Dominick together.

Dominick's lips touched my forehead, "You got it wrong; you are Luna, and you are My mate. I will stand by you through it all.  You don't get it do you? You are not alone anymore. I am here for you. Now are you going to let me be by your side for now on?"

I hugged him, who knew the Alpha of The Blood Moon Pack would be so sweet. I was speechless, I kissed his cheek making him smile.

"Now come on, show them you are their Luna. In a while we have to go to the office, I have a lot to do."

We headed back outside; everyone's eyes were on me especially Becka's.

"I want you to say something to them when we began the meeting, because I'm having a party for The Luna of the Blood Moon Pack." Dominick whispered.

"Attention!!" Dominick yelled

He looked at me and nodded for me to start.

"Um I'm Yvonne, I know many of you don't see me as a good or strong Luna. I plan to change that; all I ask is for respect and a little help. Forgive me if I came off as weak but I am just trying to figure out this whole Luna role.  I would love to show you all I can be A good Luna, just give me a chance." Dominick smiled  and gave me a slight nod.

Everyone smiled and clapped, except Becka and a couple other girls.

"Now that everyone's on the same page, and My Luna has gotten the respect she deserves. Let's discuss the meeting with Alpha Jack of The Bright Moon Stone Pack, we'll be meeting him at the border of our territories. I need at least 20 pack members including My Beta."

I was shocked and scared; I was going to see that Monster again!! What if he took me back to my pack and made me marry him!! The thought of it made me sick!

"The Meeting with Alpha Jack is tomorrow; I must get going. You will train and listen to your Beta! "

Dominick's P.O.V

I was so pleased with Yvonne's Speech; she's going to be an amazing Luna! When we got in the car to head to the office, I grabbed her and kissed her with all the passion I had.


Author's Note:

Thank you for Reading.

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My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant