Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

When we reach the bottom we sprint across the field and push past the players who are yelling and running to the coach and paramedics.

"Oh no..." I breathe, covering my mouth with my hand in shock. On the ground is the unmoving body of a male player with a slit throat. His unruly blonde hair crown his face and his emerald eyes stare lifelessly into the evening sky.

The guy from the broken piece of the glass orb.

"How did you know?" Jasper asks cautiously, but no sound escapes me as I stare the dead player.

-We'll explain everything later. Right now, we have to leave; the police are on their way, I overheard the coach." Emma speaks up, and Zander nods at Asher who gives the signal for them to go.

"Cami, let's go." He whispers in my ear, encircling his arms around my waist and pulling me slightly away from my frozen spot. But something else has caught my attention and my body is paralyzed.

Killian is standing at the other side, surrounded by trees that stop at the edge of the field. He smiles cruelly at me and waves, his canines bared and blood smudging his mouth and down his neck.

Sickness overcomes me.

"He's over there. Can't you see him?" I whisper-yell at Asher who shakes his head at me and continues pulling me away. "He's over there Asher!"

Killian chuckles and turns around, disappearing into the shadows of the trees.

I turn to Asher with anger mixed with fear. "We have to go after him Asher!"

It's only then that I see Asher's distraught expression and the worry etched across his face. Anxiety flows through me.

"Camilla, there's no one there."


"So you can like, see the future and shit?" Jack stares at me with wide eyes with legs cross-crossed on the couch.

-Yes, and shit."  I mimic, letting out a playful yell when he swats at my arm.

"You bitch! You never told me!

-I never knew!" I defend with hands up in surrender.

-When did you know?" Asher inquires, seated on the opposite couch, looking hot and brooding with his rippling arm muscles extended on the back of the couch.

The night has settled around the cabin and I look out of the large window with a sigh, watching as the cold winds envelop the icy lake.

I look back at him and his expression mirrors my own: we both know when, but the others have yet to be informed.

"Since Killian first spoke to me through a vision."

-He spoke to you through a vision?" Damien asks, and I'm surprised to see him even close to interested about anything related to me.

-That's what I said isn't it?" I speak through gritted teeth and he glares at me, settling down into his familiar brooding self.

-Do we know how he managed to do it?" Jasper asks.

-No, but I think that he was the thing that set off the Caster gene. Before I came here, I'd never heard about any of it.

-But your mums always known." Jasper fills in, and I nod wordlessly.

-She might be a part of this then.

-Leave my mum out of this." I hiss at Zander, earning a disapproving look from Emma in return. "Sorry," I mutter, settling back down into the cushions on the couch. But I keep my state harsh on him, "but there's no way that she's a part of Killian's twisted games. If ever, it would be-" I hesitate.

-Who?" Asher presses, gently but with a firm voice.

Mary. Maryberry, my baby sister...

-No one." I conclude, staring at him in the eyes with an unwavering gaze.

"If anything, even you could be working with him." Damien growls.

I close my eyes as I feel the bond linking me to Asher twisting and churning with rage.

In a swift movement he's got Damien across the bookshelf-covered wall with a hand around his throat, growling and snarling at him with canine bared and golden eyes piercing him with their dominant force.

"Apologise." Asher snarls, baring his face right into Damien's view who meets his stare with an equal hard gaze. Even the Alpha force radiating off of Asher doesn't make him submit, and he battles hard to resist it.

Wow, he must really hate me.

Knowing that Damien hasn't done anything other than point out a though and that Asher's really just acting out of werewolf possessiveness, I lift myself from my comfortable spot on the couch and stride over there.

As much as I enjoyed the show, it has to stop now. I mean, it's completely ridiculous! Freedom of speech and all...

I place a hand on Asher's forearm and try to pry his hold loser.

He doesn't budge, only continues to tremble with hot boiling fury.

"Asher, please let him go. He just pointed out a possibility, don't kill him for that."

-He disrespected his Luna." He snarls, golden eyes still trained on Damien.

The latter glances at me curiously, completely baffled that I even thought about defending him.

-Ah ah ah, future Luna." I correct, amusement slowly creeping in as Jack mimics my voice behind me in a mocking way.

Asher doesn't budge, and keeps on fuming with his hand around Damien's throat.

Annoyance replaces the fun.

I let out an irritated sigh and turn Asher's face so that he's looking at me reluctantly.

"Asher: let him go now or I'll cut your balls off." I declare steadily and Asher's determined stare wavers the tiniest bit from fear.

Meanwhile, Emma and Jack have broken out into hysterics behind me.

"The sass is real!" Jack howls in between laughter, and both he and Emma high-five.

I make an inner victory happy dance when Asher sighs, the anger slowly dissipating, and drops Damien to the ground who lands with a thud. He turns to look at me. His eyes are still covered in specks of gold, but his blue pools are equally mesmerizing behind them. Something passes through his eyes before he shakes his head with frustration and marches off, slamming the door behind him.

I frown with confusion. What just happened?

I turn with a sigh and meet Emma's eyes. She seems to look just as confused, but I catch the quiet look of understanding for his friend on Zander's face before he notices me staring and averts his attention away from me.

Just like any other normal Friday night...

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