4) The Pink Tree

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I pull my legs out of the car and close the door, peering at the colossal house bearing in front of me. Wow, this was bigger than I expected, how many people live here exactly?

A strong wind hits my body, slowly turning it into an icicle. And it wasn't like Carrie's clothes were helping either, I thought, as I hugged myself with my bare skinny arms. Another wind pushes past me, and this time my hair is the victim. Whatever, it's not like I give a crap about what people think about me. Carrie directs me to the door and I follow after her.

The doorbell rings for few seconds, and then suddenly a man, about the same age as Carrie, opens it.

"Welcome," he announces in a strong Irish accent, "to Ashdene Ridge. And you must be Margo?"

I rolled my eyes in response. It's not like social workers are any different to care workers. But then I remembered; I have to be an angel if I was going to get anywhere here.

"Yes that's me," I say shaking his hand as I walk inside the house.

I looked around. There was a good open space with crème carpets and egg shell coloured walls. There was different toys scattered around the place, and pictures of the care kids hung up around the walls. God, they tried hard to make it homely.

"Carrie...well it's great to see you...um...again," the man says looking Carrie up and down, "what are you doing here?"

"I am Margo's social worker, remember?" she says as she steps in, leaning a bit too much towards the man's chest. He stares into her emerald eyes for second and her cheeks begin to go slightly crimson.

I guess that explains the dress.

"Sorry," I say breaking tension, "I don't think you have introduced yourself?"

"Oh yes, I'm Mike," the grey haired man says as he puts his arm around my shoulder, "and the head care worker here."

I look up at him for a few seconds. He seemed nice enough, but I feel like it wouldn't take that long to find a fatal flaw. Then it wouldn't take that long for me to get out of this dump.

"And this is May-li," he continues, "the other care worker here. And she will now hopefully show your room?"

I looked up to the stairs where Mike was gesturing his hand. The Chinese woman had long black hair, which tied half up and was holding a basket full of washing. May-li shook her head as she looked back at me.

"I am sorry, Margo unfortunately your room isn't quite ready yet," she says climbing down the stairs to greet me.

"No, seriously, I can sleep on the floor if there is no bed," I respond, cringing at the idea at sharing with someone else. I know that I was meant to be the kind girl right now, but I needed somewhere to escape from the madness; somewhere I can drain my feelings.

"Nope I can't let you do that," May-li says, "it's against safety rules and regulations."

I try hard to keep calm by taking long breathes. I could very easily show her what against safety rules and regulations was.

"But, if Mike's ok with it, you will have to be sleeping on the sofa for one night," the black haired women says.

"Well that's sorted," he replies, shrugging his shoulders, "we are so sor-"

"Oh no it's fine," I interrupt him smiling. "I mean, I know you're busy with stuff,"

"Great then," he says, patting my back.

I am obviously not fine with it. How can I expect them to look after if they can't even get my bed ready in time? How I meant to unpack, and get my laptop set up and...

The Girl That No One Gets ↬ Ryan Reeves [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now