10) The Spiders Web of Trust

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The smell of chicken fried rice grew stronger as I approached the door to the kitchen. Everyone would probably be there by now, and there would be only two seats missing from the table.

Me and Ryan.

I know he wouldn't be far behind; he heard May-li calling for dinner too. But for some reason an unfamiliar emotion rises within me. I couldn't be scared, he knew his reputation would be ruined if I showed everyone his file. And I didn't like him at all; I have never liked a boy in that way, since, well, forever.

Or maybe it wasn't towards him? Maybe it was something else?

I pushed the feelings aside as I pushed open the door to the kitchen, releasing an aroma of Chinese spices. I walked over to the seat I sat in yesterday, but this time only Jody was sitting in the chair beside me, and Tyler was replaced by Toni, one of the twins.

I glanced at Jody who was staring at her plate of stir fry. She knew that my dark eyes were on her, but she took her time to look up at me. I smile at her softly, hoping that I can still seem weak. She does the same, and then breaks our eye contact and glances at Tyler.

Guess I have to say sorry to him, I think to myself, rolling my eyes when no one was looking.

There was the regular hustle and bustle when dinner was getting served, and everyone taking about their day.

"How was yours?" Toni askes.

Woke up in the middle of the night by an annoying rat, ends up he was only there to threaten me. Then I spend the next few hours on my laptop hacking into every part of his past, as the sun rises. Get about two hours sleep, feeling like was going to throw up on the spot, therefore cutting one of guardian angels off. Sitting in the attic, skipping lunch, then finally regaining my sleep. And, the cherry on top, threatening the rat back.

"It was...fine, I guess." I sum up, "we haven't talked much haven't we Toni?"

She takes a minute to respond, her eyes looking up at me in wonder.

"How...how could you tell?"

"Tell what?"

"That I am Toni, not Billie?"

The truth was I had many experiences with twins, well not really, but something along those lines.

"You have a slightly smaller face, and Billie has birth spot around here," I say, gesturing towards her neck. Billie lifts her chin up, revealing the brown speck.

"You know, you're the first person to tell us apart that quickly." Billie states, smiling, showing me her white sparking white teeth.

I shrug, then start to eat my Chinese food. As soon as the first spoonful reaches my mouth, I realize how hungry was, and I haven't technically eaten for twenty-four hours.

I place my plate into the sink, not bothering to wash it this time, and follow everyone to 'my room'. But before I do, Mike places his hand on my shoulder, holding me back. I try and walk on, but he keeps me stayed put. I give up eventually, and wait for him to speak.

The grey haired man waited for everyone to leave the kitchen, until he speaks. Ryan was last to leave, with Tyler close behind. When Tyler reaches the door, he looks at me beside him, his chocolate eyes staring into mine. The sparkle in them had gone, and his facial expression wasn't bubbly anymore, but very drawn.

I knew I had to say sorry. If I didn't, not only Jody would hate me, but I won't seem the weak person I trying to be. But couldn't do it now, not when Ryan was right there.

Tyler carries on into the living room, Ryan followed close after. This time he doesn't look up; I guess he has learnt his lesson. Mike closes the door after him, and turns to face me.

The Girl That No One Gets ↬ Ryan Reeves [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now