12) Perspectives

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"Here it is!" Jody announces, walking up to her door.

She opens the door to her room, and I look around. I admit, it seemed better than I imagined it to be initially. The walls weren't colourful or bright, which most of the time hurts my eyes, but they were a cool beige, going along with the wooden floor. They were still covered with the posters I got a glimpse of yesterday, but they looked very different. The singers in them had black hair like mine, put they had styled it wide and crazy, and were holding red striped guitars with lightning bolts. Obviously, it was all fake, seeing all the photo editing mistakes.

She also had a few books stacked on a bookcase in her room. This again, intrigued me. I took one out and read the blurb - something about an ogre inside a teenager, trying to escape its soul to save the world- and I immediately put it back. Maybe it is true, not judging a book by its cover.

Guess we really do not have nothing in common. But then again, it was slightly better than someone like Tee or Carmen.

The only thing that really stood out from the theme of her bedroom was a hand crafted jewellery box, with a small ballerina figure on the lid, placed on her desk. I picked it up with my sharp black painted nails, prodding it in different places.

Instantly, Jody comes to my side.

"Oh...that's just...my...letters," she whispers awkwardly, snatching it out of my hands, "it's kind of private."

Next thing on my to do list, find out what's in that box.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" I exclaim, laying my hand on her shoulder, "I honestly didn't know!"

"Yeah, it's fine," she shrugs, shoving it under her bed, noting it to myself for later, "I didn't really tell you any way."

"So...has Tyler read them?" I ask, as I sit next to her on her bed.

"Nope, she hasn't shown anyone them except..." Tyler starts,

"Except Ryan," Jody sighs, rolling her eyes.

"I didn't know you two were close," I say, twirling my dark curls around my finger.

"And your right, we are not," she says, "I never said he asked for my permission."

I tilt my hide to side a little, frowning.

"Well basically..." Jody starts.

I normally hate hearing about rumours or bitching about other people. Whoever it is coming from, only thinks about their own perspective on the situation, and not about anyone else's. And even if they had someone else's side of the story, it's still not good enough for me. The more the better, creating a general picture of what person said/did, maybe even near the truth. Plus, normally people who do gossip are regularly attention seekers, another fatal flaw. And, even though I have only a few, I try and sustain them, keeping them hidden.

But this was different. I needed to know as much as I could about Ryan. At the moment I had a huge advantage, being able to read his files, however as I just said, I need to collect perspectives, or I won't get anywhere. And then...I might get the truth.

"Then, at the end of the competition, he just lost it when I started talking about his sister, so I won!" she says, pointing at a dragon made of aluminium foil, "and he got off my back. Just like that," she finishes, emphasising the last three words.

"Hasn't he met his sister before?" I ask, yet I know the answer anyway, from reading his files.

"Recently, yeah. They have to seemed to fix everything now, so things seem okay," Tyler shrugs, "but, the thing is, he is kind of dodgy,"

"What do you mean?" I ask, gesturing them for an explanation.

"He always knows what's happening, and...is always there at the right moment," he continues, "like he's spying on us..."

"Don't be silly, Tyler," Jody cuts him off turning to face me, "well yeah, he's a bit of an outsider, but he's not creepy. He just likes to be alone."

"Except his sister, Chloe and Harry," Tyler adds, "they're the only people he lets in a bit."

One more thing I can use against him. Harry and Chloe.

Gaining a better advantage.

"Jody guess what!" Tyler exclaims, making me jump a little, "you know the article that I wrote? Even though I pulled out they decided to give me some of the cash anyway!"

"No way!"

"Guess who has thirty more quid?" Tyler shouts.

Man, they are immature.

"Hey, we should go into town tomorrow. I mean, we need to show you around anyway, and I want to find out how many new posters I can buy with that cash," Jody suggests.

"You mean how many I can buy?"

"Yeah, Yeah we will sort that out later," Jody shrugs, "so you in?"

If might think I don't like shopping, your right. Well at least their definition of shopping.

"Okay," I reply, sighing inside.


Updated three days in a row ^^

These bits are kind of a build up to a climax in a few chapters time...and I am bursting to skip to that bit but know I cant or none of it will make sense *sighs in deep distress*

Guess you are going to have to read and find out ;)

Also my friend just started to write a story as well, and its ammmaazzinnngg. Its not a fanfic but seriously good so check it out: jl_2702

Finally, I would like to thank because you have been supporting me and this book for some time now and I appreciate it so much <3

Vote, comment the usual. (still cant believe I have got over 100 votes *squels*)


K xx

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