11) Acting or Lying?

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"Margo, can you help us finish our drawing?"

I lift my head a bit, to see Billie standing in front of me, holding a red colouring pen. Floss was next to her, holding an orange one, matching to her hair.

I look around to see who was in the room. A few people were by the pool table, Tee on the computer, and the rest watching TV where the twins were doing their drawings. Including Tyler and Jody.

I am not a great fan of little kids. I mean, I know we all go through that stage, but it's a constant reminder how everyone used to be. Being able to get away with the most immature tricks, but not with the more practical schemes now. Stealing sweets and blaming it on your imaginary friend? That's totally fine. Hacking into a computer and it was actually your friend? Against the law.

Yeah, I know, I am being unrealistic. It just reminds me on how I was treated when I was five compared to all the other five year olds in the country. I personally preferred it. I didn't get the shock of all the responsibilities when I got older. And I knew things that five year old are meant to know at that kind of age. Looking at everyone around me when they were getting picked up to go home from school, seeming like they would have their mummies and daddies forever. Even then, when I wasn't really the loner who stood out, I knew it was bullshit.

"Yeah sure."

I followed them to the coffee table, and sat crossed legged on the eggshell white carpet, in front of Tyler. He didn't pay any attention to me, which I half wasn't expecting; I thought he would crawling back by now. I followed the twins' instructions and started colouring in.

I might I have said that I love art, and I honestly do, but it doesn't mean I have the talent for it. The impatience to get the strokes perfect drives me crazy and I have never learnt the right technique. However when I am taught it, it normally goes terribly wrong, causing me to lose my temper. Anyway, after a while, even shading in a colouring book gives me piercing cramps in my arm.

"Carry on," Toni pleads me from beside me, "we haven't even started yet!"

I stretch my fingers one at a time, but the ache becomes even worse.

"Maybe later, yeah?" I ask. She sighs back at me, and gives more instructions to Finn on how to colour in the fairy perfectly.

I slouch onto the sofa, groaning in the process.

"Wow, you must be really good at art then," Tyler mumbles sarcastically next to me, still looking straight at the television.

"Well, my fingers weren't really gifted in that area." I state back, stretching my fingers once again, this time actually healing them. I angle myself to face him fully, trying to grab his attention. He still keeps his head turned to the TV. I clear my throat, wondering how I was going to say the bitter word I seldom say, and he still doesn't respond.

"Tyler?" I say leaning towards him, at there was still no movement, "Are you serious? You literally just spoke to me a minute ago."

This time he breathes out heavily, indicating he knew I was there.

"I am...I am sorry," I whisper into his ear. I was expecting him to look me in the eyes, and start laughing like the guy I met a few days ago. I was expecting the guardian angel to guard me once again; Jody will never be good enough alone.

But this time he just rolls his eyes and shrugs. I had to give more, but luckily I practised this art many times before. By 'art' many people call it acting, and some call it lying. Depends on how you see it really.

I stand up from the sofa and walk towards the TV, switching it off. This time, I grabbed Jody and Sasha's attention.

"Oi turn it back on," Sasha whines.

"Yeah wait a sec," I reply, shrugging her off. "Tyler, I mean it, I am sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, it's just that I got a bit grouchy. Everyone has mood swings, just forgive me this one time?"

He pauses this time, then glances at Jody. She smiles a little and shrugs, turning her head to look at me.

"You do mean it, right?"

This was probably hardest bit of the 'art'. The doubt at the end, if you cross that bit, you can officially mastered acting/lying.

I stare into her chestnut eyes, taking a deep breathe, imagining how it would really be like to trust someone again. To be able to have faith that they won't let you go at your darkest moment, fantasying the feeling of knowing I am safe.

"Yes," I plead, "I want both of you back."

They look at each other, then at me, then back to each other.

Tyler smiles, "Sure, I forgive you."

I smile back at him, making sure my cyan eyes glow.

"Great you all made friends, but now can you please turn the TV back on?" Sasha says, trying to reach the remote from my grip.

"Sure," Jody says as I pass the remote to her, "do you want to come in my room for bit?" she asks me.

I smile back and tell her to lead the way. But inside, I secretly wanted to sigh and turn my back, slouching back to the attic, how I did this morning.

Even when I push them away, they come back even closer.

Anyway, hope you have enjoyed this new chapter! Sorry its a bit short and stuff...but there is a massive storyline coming up and this is kind of the build up!

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PS what do you think will happen next?

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