Blue Coon

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It had been two days since I went to the met Nogla and I still haven't heard from him or anything. I've been trying to work up the courage to go back to the place but I am too scared. My brain had been going absolutely crazy with thoughts about the place. Going from it was just a dream to what if I go back and something tries to kill me or something.
Groaning in confusion from all the thoughts I rolled over and grabbed my phone and started playing music on Spotify. After listening to a few songs, a new one came on that caught my attention at how cool it was. Not knowing what it was I clicked the power button for my phone and saw that it was called "Outta My Mind" by a group called Deliri0s. Stopping my music after a few more songs I rolled over to see teddy bear and I grabbed him and held him up in the air above my face.
"I wish you could help me think of what to do." I said, talking to him as if he was a real person.
Looking at the teddy bear and then I turned to my side and saw the bag I used for the suit. Laying the teddy bear back on the bed I stood up and made my way outside. Climbing into my car and driving down the road I found the alley and drove inside. I saw a weird block on the ground that looked like the shape of my tire and I drove on top of it. Next thing I knew, the ground right before me slid down below the wall and revealed a drive way to what I guessed was the Cooncan. The straight path began to curve and I looked behind me and saw the doorway slid back closed and then after a few turns I was driving straight to the runway below the walkway I was on the other day. Stopping the car and getting out I looked around and saw Nogla a little small distance away in a green jumpsuit bent over a car and working on it. Walking up to him I took a big gulp and said,"Hey"
"Jonaththan, I thought I scared you off." He replied, getting a short laugh from me
"I was just having to figure everything out, it's A LOT to take in, being a small town kid one minute and then a hero the next." I said to which he shrugged his shoulders and turned back around. Standing in awkward silence for a minute I started to walk off to go to the living area, and Nogla spoke up,"I saw your suit laying out, that isn't really as good of a thing as you can do, I know it. Think about the base for a minute, it's called the Cooncan. Use raccoons as inspiration." Then he turned back to the car and I made my way to the empty room. Grabbing materials, I began to mold a helmet and while it was drying I went to the wardrobe and grabbed a sky blue jumpsuit and laid it out and then I finished up the helmet and began looking at it. It looked good enough, all I would have to do is paint it. Running out of the room, I peeked my head out the door and yelled to Nogla,"Do you know where I can get paint that is impossible to wear off?!?!" There was a moment of silence before he yelled back,"Yeah, I have some down here, come get it!" I smiled and ran out the door and down the stairs and towards him. Finding the colors I needed, I stacked them in my arms and walked to the room. Grabbing the first color I dipped the brush into it and started to color the helmet.
~A few minutes later
Holding up the helmet after it drew I popped the latches on the helmet I slid it on and clipped them back together. Looking around I made sure I could see perfectly well through the eye spots I had made sure to make out of a different material that I could see through. Making my way to the blue jumpsuit I attempted to put it on but then I realized the helmet was in the way. Undoing the helmet I pulled it off and then I grabbed a few pieces of pads and armies to go on the legs of the jumpsuit which I quickly painted a light blue to match the suit and then I did the same to a bullet proof vest and made sure to sow the pads and vest to the jumpsuit so that it will look like it's part of the suit. Smiling from ear to ear I slid on the jumpsuit and then the helmet. Then I made my way to the full body mirror over in the corner and I started to squeal at how awesome I looked. Meaning to keep it in my head I screamed,"I. AM. BLUE COON!!!!!!" I laughed and then I heard a loud noise from downstairs and I stuck my head out and saw Nogla fell down. He looked up towards me and saw the suit and smiled, giving me a thumbs up,"That's REALLY good!" I smiled and ran down to him.
"Quick, shoot me, right in the head" I said as I pointed to the spot between the eyes but a little above. He looked at me like I was crazy and I told him to trust me. Grabbing the gun and aiming it at my head I scrunted up my face, a little scared it wouldn't work but then he pulled the trigger, the bullet was stopped by the helmet and it just fell to the ground when he shot.
"Woah, bullet proof helmet, nice choice, and the paint didn't wear off wear it was shot, really cool."
Smiling I yawned and told Nogla I was going to take a nap. Nodding his head, he walked up the stairs with me and then began to work on the tube thing I saw the other day as I walked in the living area. Sliding off the suit I laid it on the table and slid down into the couch groaning at how comfortable it was and within minutes I fell asleep.
Hey guys! What did you think of this chapter, I really enjoyed writing it and it was just so much fun along with all of these chapters I've wrote so far, the picture is of Blue Coon as you would know if you watch his videos with Vanoss before he became Batcoon

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