"It allows us to strengthen our senses. With no sight its obviously harder to find out where you are. We have to rely only on our hearing. It only happens at Halloween." She finishes explaining. Her siblings all nod together before returning to their food while the pack remains quiet and looks on scared.

 "It has to be done." Damien shrugs.

"Only way to toughen us up." Victor adds.

"Yes so stop talking about it because these people will soon start thinking I'm a monster to my children." I tell my kids with a stern look. They nod understandingly. The pack look away obviously aware of what I was implying.

I sigh and start to eat my food. They ask us questions but soon it came to the topic I knew I was going to have to face sooner of later.

"So Katie, how did you come to find these sweeties?" A small woman asks. I open my mouth to give a short version but Dakota beats me to it.

"Our pack was attacked by rogues and were wiped out. Our parents were killed and we became orphans. We were crying in a clearing after escaping with our lives. That is when our mum found us after-" she stops and looks down. I frown. I could feel the eyes on me but I was concentrating on keeping the tears at bay.

"-after my pack and mate were attacked by rogues and then six months later I too was attacked by the same rogues and left for dead. That is when I found my children." Some people especially women were crying with tears streaming down their faces. A different woman spoke up quietly.

"I mean no disrespect but don't you find it hard with all the little ones? What if you have your own pups?" She asks. I bite my lip to stop from crying but it doesn't stop a tear from escaping. Josh looks up at me and squeezes my hand. His eyes hold sadness and my wolf howls inwardly at the sight of our baby upset.

"Mummy can't have children." Whispers Josh quietly. I cover my mouth to stop the sob from coming out. A growl rips through the room as my shoulders shake with silent sobs. I have to get out of here.

"That's enough for tonight. We are going to bed." Damien comes around to my side and helps me up. His arms are the only thing keeping me up. Dani and Rachel help him to get me upstairs. Before I leave I catch the sad and broken expression of my mate. Now he will never want me.

My kids bring me upstairs. All of them pile into my room sitting around the floor and on the chairs. I slip into the covers of the bed. They were quiet for a second before I hear soft humming. I hear movement and then....is that a guitar?

Where did that come from? I try to calm myself down by taking deep breaths. I listen to the soft strumming of the instrutment. Damien begins to sing and I smile when I recognise the song as "I'll be." by Edwin Mc Cain

He sings softly and I listen intently.

The strands in your eyes,

The colour them wonderful,

Stop me,

Then steal my breath,

Emeralds from mountains,

Thrust towards the sky,

Never revealing their depth.

Tell me,

That we belong together,

Dress it up,

With the trappings of love.

I'll be captivated,

I'll hang from your lips,

Instead of the gallows,

Second Chance At Life. Second Chance At Love.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora