CHP14: Immortality

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I've got a new book if you like Creek, it's an AU. It's called 'My Soulmate?'. Thanks!

Kenny didn't know how he felt. His body tingled. Was he dead forever, was his soul gone? Did it work or was he subject to Damien's eternal torment? He wiggled his toes and for a startling second couldn't feel his lower half. That's when he realized someone was on him. He opened his eyes and ______'s smiling face was looking down at him. "My hero." He liked the sound of that. She jumped out of bed and helped him sit up. Unlike other times he felt really tired when he woke up. Was the curse really gone though? He curled his fingers in and out to make sure this was real.

"Hey, _____. Do you remember that one time you tried to talk to me?" Her gut wrenched. There were a lot of those times.

"Yeah..." He looked down to the ground again and ____ found herself annoyed. Couldn't he just spit it out.

"Well, I have something to tell you. But you have to promise me you won't think I'm crazy and you won't break up with me over this." She nodded hesitantly. He took a deep breath.

"_______, I can't die." She didn't know how to respond so she let out her first response, she laughed. She burst into laughter and the vein in Kenny's forehead throbbed.

"S-sorry. It's just, that was all a dream. I have to still be dreaming now right? This is  like some cruel joke." Kenny gave her a serious look.

"____, it's true it was all real. But if everything worked, and I'm assuming it did since you're alive, I can die now." She took a step back to look at herself. That chant. She wondered if Kenny knew it too. If what he was saying was true than what did it all mean?

"When I tried to tell you about my nightmare and you laughed it off... It wasn't a joking matter was it?" He shrugged looking ashamed. He should have told her everything sooner.

"I didn't want you to get hurt. Cthulu's vicious. Especially now that he knows he got manipulated by fat ass... I couldn't forgive myself if you got hurt because of me, but then in the end you-" A frustrated groan escaped his lips and he looked to the ceiling annoyed.

"I tried EVERYTHING! And you still got hurt. I don't.... How can you forgive me?" She smiled softly pulling him into a kiss.

"Because I love you. Now tell me what's going on." He nodded but explaining what had been happening his whole life was more complicated than she made it out to seem. He could start off small then go on from there.

"My parents brought me to a cult when I was a baby." ______'s blood ran cold again. She didn't hear the chant in the eerie wind but she repeated the words softly in her mind. At least she thought it was in her mind.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die." He was looking at her with huge eyes, he looked like a frog. She was afraid to ask, so he asked her.

"Where did you hear that?" Her hands were shaking, flashes from what she thought was a dream coming back to her. Could it possibly be true that she had died? "____!" He was shaking her. She looked up nodding. She had to explain. The nightmare scared her.

"It was dark and I was in this hellish place, with mutated demons... Flying creatures trying to drag me to their nests like hawks... That mantra, it was like elevator music. It was on repeat, I hated it. Then I saw you." She shivered thinking about it recounting  it brought back frightening  memories.

"______, don't stop explaining I need to know why. And what happened. Please." She nodded again forcing the words out.

"You were a baby. In a little blanket in your orange parka. Your mom and dad were drunk but aware enough. The cultists took you and they did something. That mantra... Again but this time for the great one, Cthulu."

"Why would he show you that? Only an immortal can kill another immortal... And you're definitely not an immortal..." He laughed nervously. _____ didn't respond. "Hey, _____ you're not immortal right?" She got up from bed and looked around.

"I don't know Kenny.... I mean I wasn't before I died but now... I feel different. Like, like something changed in me." The blond's face turned pale.

"No, no, no no. NO!"

"Kenny what's wrong?"

"Slap me."

"What?" He shook his head.

"SLAP ME!" the sound bounced off the walls.

"Fuck." _____ was confused.

"Kenny, what's wrong?"

"I don't know if I'm right. But if we want to test it out, I'm going to have to kill you."

"What? NO! It hurt the first time! And won't I just you know... STAY DEAD???" An almost cynical smile formed on Kenny's face.

"Well, _____ if I'm right about this, you're gonna have to get used to pain. Because I think you may be the new Kenny." Kenny had no idea why she was so angry, she stepped forward and pulled the parka hoodie onto his head and pulled it all the way down.

"What are you trying to say McCormick!" She sneered. He smiled a little realizing the sudden anger. To her the new Kenny meant a perverted jackass, what he actually meant was... Well different.

"I'm saying you may be immortal. God, ____ I thought we were finally in a good place, no need for assault."

"Immortal?" She was scanning her body again. Her hands were shaking. After seeing this, the blond took her hands into his.

"By rejecting my curse Cthulu is weakened. He doesn't like that. He wants to rise again. You were probably cursed as a child too. You just weren't needed till now. So now the curse is activated." She looked at him in confusion tears streaming down her face.

"I-I don't understand..."

"I was Cthulu's main man. I die, he gets all my dreams, fears, and memories, they make him stronger. I'm finally free so he's using, forgive me, his backup. God, there must be thousands of cursed children around the world. He doesn't need to use all of them though. Having thousands of children die then come back would make his rebellion too obvious. He has to start small. Just one has been okay for my lifetime but now that I'm out of commission he's activating you."

"So, he's going to kill me everyday?" The blond shrugged.

"You're immortal ____."

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