CHP11: Just a Kiss

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"So is icecream okay?" Kenny's blue eyes gleamed at her. Her heart fluttered.

"Uh, yeah... That's fine." He smiled bigger which finally eased her nerves.

"I wanted to take you to City Wok but I don't want any of my dumb friends to interrupt, or tease me. They can be a real pain in the ass you know?" It was cute how the comment made her blush. "Look, _____. I don't know how I can express it anymore... I like you a lot you mean a lot to me so... It really hurt that you rejected me and to see you with Kyle..." He grit his teeth and a sigh escaped her lips.

"We were never dating. I was just upset and he just cheered me up..."

"I'm sorry." Those last words were the push she needed. He sounded so sincere so desperate, she couldn't help but lean forward and kiss him. When she pulled away just inches from his face she wanted all the words to spill out, how she missed him, loved him, forgave him, but Kenny's phone went off.

"That would be Karen..." At least he sounded disappointed.

"Hey, you need me to pick you up from Ike's?" He nodded listening into the phone. "Right third wheel whatever... Karen, please. I'm kind of in the middle of something...." "yes, I'm with _____." He started to turn red. "Okay, stop. I get it. I'll be there in two hours. And no you're not my third wheel you're my sister. I love you, see you in two hours... And stop saying that!" _____ leaned forward.

"What was she saying? That made you turn oh so red?" She teased.

"Uh, she kept asking if I was going to score tonight..." Again the roll of the eyes but she smiled and she shoved him playfully.

"God, you're still Kenny. I have to remember that." She laughed. She was surprised at his red face.

"I've wanted this for the longest time... And I was so freaked out any little thing I did would scare you off..." He smiled.

"Kenny, I don't think it's fair for us to just pick up where we left off. It's impractical, we'll just be doomed to fail again. I don't think I can take another disappointment." He leaned forward and laid his hand on her cheek. He wondered if he should stop but she didn't say anything or push away so he brought her into a gentle kiss.

"Please, _______. I love you so much." Her face was red and he wanted to kiss her perfect soft lips again, but she stood abruptly.

"Kenny... I don't think, I can do it anymore." By the time he was out of his chair she was running off, no doubt tears streaming down her cheeks.

The Mystetion outfit didn't fit anymore. It wasn't like Kenny was going to wear it any time soon but it seemed so smalll. He was so young back then so dumb such a sheep following the crowd. He held the costume now it almost comforted him. Tears soaked the cotton but left no trace of its prescence.

The lights and noise of SoDaSoPa seemed so distant compared to the sound of his silent tears. This was dumb, stupid. Kenny could have any girl he wanted but here he was on a Saturday night literally crying over ______.

He wanted it all to djsappear, to become white noise he thought of Annie the pergutory girl, maybe she would appreciate his company right now more than-

A sound. It was a familiar sound that Kenny knew all too well. It was his phone.

He unlocked the screen, it was a message from ______.

If I hate you so much, why can't I get you out of my head?

He didn't know how to respond. Before he could think of a response another message came in.

Kenny, I've tried protecting my heart but I just ended up breaking yours and I do love you. Maybe I can give us one more try. Can we meet up right now? In front of Nueva Familia?

He was already out the door when he texted back


Kenny wasn't really sure if ____ was serious. Maybe she was messing with him again. He was walking towards the Mexican restaurant lost in the crowds of tourists. This revitalized part of town was so much more crowded. Traffic was insane too. He turned the corner and saw the restaurant, _____ was standing there looking into her phone. She looked a little impatient but nervous. She looked up and smiled when their eyes met. He couldn't hold it in anymore he smiled and ran.

It was stupid. It was dumb, it was a mistake. It was all his fault. He ran onto the street without looking. There was a loud screech of the wheels a blaring horn, Kenny sighed , he was going to get run over and die. It went in slow motion. He had run onto the road, the horn blared he was going to die, but he felt her hands on his shoulders. She was screaming but he couldn't make it out over the yelling on his own head. SHIT! NO! He caught a glimpse of her lips to know what she was saying.

"KENNY!!" There was enough time for her to push him out of the way, FUCK!

His back hit the ground hard and the awful crunch and wail made him wish he had been knocked out. "_____!"

Stan walked out of Neuva Familia with an icecream at hand. Tears were streaming down Kenny's cheeks.

"Oh my God, they killed _____!" He looked at his watch for a couple seconds. "One, two-"

Kyle almost collapsed onto the floor exhausted. "You bastards!" Kenny gave them a fierce look and they shrugged. The two didnt give Kenny the time of day they just acknowledged each other.

"Terrance and Philip PJs?"

"Yeah dude, that vanilla ice cream?" He nodded.

The blond couldn't deal with them. He staggered over to _______ and cried. He stayed in that position until paramedics had to rip her away from him.

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