Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Descendants!

"Mal! Go me get food!" she heard her mother yell.

Mal groaned loudly before dragging herself out of bed. She couldn't have been more than 12 years old during this time.

She quickly put her worn-out boots on and hopped out of the window.

Mal didn't walk far before she reached her destination. Her sticky hands quickly grabbed some barely bruised apples and bananas that weren't too mushy from one stand.

From another, she stole up some stale bread when the owner wasn't looking.

Finally, she walked into the Slop Shop to pick up some barley oatmeal and the bitterest coffee they served. She laughed all the way back to Bargain Castle as the goblins tried to catch her and ended up tripping over each other.

As she barged in through the doors, Mal marched all the way up to the kitchen. She found Maleficent sitting at the dining room table with her feet up while filing her nails. "You took forever," she said without even looking up.

Mal tensed up before answering with a simple," Sorry."

When her mother finally looked straight into Mal's eyes, she seemed very annoyed. "You're late. You can't even get some food without messing up."

When Mal dumped the contents of food on the counter, her mother looked as if she got even more annoyed. "Mal! Where is Diablo's food?"

"I didn't think he needed any," Mal replied in a snappy tone that she immediately regretted. "Sor-"

She was cut off when she felt her mother's hand on her throat. "You know, I would slightly be proud if you used that tone with anyone else." Her hand clamped Mal's throat even harder. "However, don't ever use that tone with me. Or else, you'll get way worse than me grounding you for an entire week."

When she finally let go, Mal fell to the floor, gasping for air and continued to do so for what felt like forever.

"I honestly don't know anymore. I have taught you everything I know and you can't even do anything slightly evil. You are such a waste of life. Why couldn't I have given birth to someone who could have thought of a better crime than spray painting the Isle?"

Tears had formed in Mal's eyes during Maleficent's rant. When she saw this, her foot came into contact with Mal's head.

"You are just like your father. Weak. Soft. This is why you will never have your full name. You will never be as half as evil as me! You might as well be the disgrace that is the goblins. I honestly can't believe you have my DNA coursing through your veins. You are not good for anything!"

Mal squirmed and looked at her mother with hurt and pain evident in her eyes.

Maleficent chuckled evilly. "You know, I take that back. You are useful for something. You make a great servant and a good punching bag. Maybe that will be your purpose in life. You little pathetic waste of it."

"You are the biggest embarrassment, problem, and waste of time I've ever had." She kicked, punched and scratched Mal with every word she said, each scratch drawing more blood than the last.

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