"Not this time."

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You and gray were in another fight Ughhh you hated fighting with him. You loved him so much but you guys were always getting into fights and I just didn't want to deal with it anymore.

"Grayson.." He just keeps ranting on something that I have apparently done lord knows what. So I decide to get louder just by a little though. "Grayson.."  He still decided to ignore me and keep ranting so I yelled At the very tip top of my lungs "GRAYSON!!!" He finally quit yelling. "Thank you. Grayson I'm  done we are always arguing and you never listen. I'm done." I say walking towards the door. "You have said that so many times you'll come back. You always do." "Not this time Grayson." When you looked back his face had changed to sadness like he knew that this was the real thing.


You were giving you boyfriend, Ethan, the silent treatment. It's not that he did anything wrong. We do this to see how long we would last. So far I haven't talked to him on three minutes. Which is record breaking. I usually talk with in the first or second minute. But I guess this isn't record breaking because one time I lasted for ten minutes. "Y/n your gonna break soon you always do I know you wanna talk to me so bad about everything.And I know you want me to tell you about what happened with gray and his girlfriend." "Not this time. Crap I lost again. So what happened to gray and his girlfriend?" "Nothing I just wanted you to talk." "I hate you." "I love you too."

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