He breaks up with you- Gray

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*bring bring bring*

Y/N: hey babe I have missed you.

Gray: Yea about that I need to talk to you.

Y/N: OK Meet you at the grove in like ten?

Gray: Meet you at your house in like ten.

Y/N: Gray you're acting really weird.

*He hangs up*

I can literally feel my blood boiling. Why would he do that we have been dating for three whole years and he decides to hang up on me. ugghhh.


i get up and go to the door.

Gray: woah you look mad. Are you OK?


GRAY: Can I tell you what I came over to say.

Y/N: By all means say whatever Grayson.

Gray: You haven't called me Grayson in  a long time.

Y/N: Just say what you need to.

Gray: I think that we need to break up. I don't think that we are working out. I mean i travel a lot you stay in your room a lot.


Gray:I love you

Y/N: Apparently now go.

He left and I broke down. Its not fair. Its not fair that we can be together for three years and he just casually says were done. Because he travels and even though he isn't here when he travels he knows that i stay in my room which  isn't what  I do just by the way. I usually go out with my best friend. You know its really incontinent timing to break up with me. I mean really anytime is in convent but two days ago I took a pregnancy test. And I am pregnant. So....

Six months later

So I am now seven months pregnant. And i have to go get groceries. So when I get to the store, I go get a shopping cart. And go to the chips. And of course they put my favorite chips on the top shelf so I start jumping trying to get them. Then some guy came and helped me.

Gray: Here let me help you .

Oh no i turn around and see my worst nightmare. The guy that was so rude to me.

Gray: Oh my gosh.

He says staring at my belly. Im clearly pregnant.

Y/N: Thanks. Thats what i have always wanted to hear.

Gray: Thats not what I meant. You must of got over me pretty quick.

Y/N: Or its yours

I mumlbe.

Gray: Did you just say...

Y/N: yes i did the boy is yours.

Gray: Its a boy.

He starts touching my stomach. Ok a little weird. i just look away and not to look him in the eye.

Gray: Well when were you going to tell me

Y/N well the day you broke my heart into a Millon little pieces.

Gray: I am sorry

Y/N its ok

Gray: So do you have a boyfriend

Y/N no guys don't really like pregnant girls that much

Gray: Do you want to get back together

Y/N i thought you would never ask,

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