Sweetest thing he ever said to you

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You: I don't know if this is gonna work gray. I love you but...
Gray:  No.
You: what?
Gray: No, Y/N I am not going to give up. I love you so much. I can't let you go. Not with out a fight I love you so much. Your litterally the best thing in my life.
You:you have Ethan and your friends and fans and... And .... And.... Um YouTube.
Gray: yes I know I have all that. But notice how I said the best  thing in my life.


You: I love you babe.
E: I love you too.
You: I love you more.
E: No way that even remotely possible
You: why not?
E because I love you infinity times 1000
You: that's not a number
E: exactly
You: you make no sense

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