CH 19 Slumber Party *+*Pt 2*+*

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~Aphmaus pov~
So, I'm watching a movie with my friends, at a slumber party, and I'm trapped in sky's arms...normal. Anyway, this movie is really scary, I hate horror films, oh well at least I'm not the only one scared, I mean just look at cadenza, she's practically clinging to Laurence for dear life.

The movie ended and before the lights turned on I wriggled out of sky's arms and slump back down on the floor in my cozy purple blanket.

"Kawaii~chan has an idea! We should all play seven minutes is heaven!" Kawaii chan suggests. Ohhhh noooo
"Kawaii~chan, no!" An angry Katelyn yells.
"Nawww c'mon Katelyn" says Nicole. "Grrr, f-fine" Katelyn gives in.
"OK, everyone write your name on a piece is paper and drop it in this hat!" Kawaii chan says as she grabs laurances fedora (omigerd a fedora) and a bunch of sticky notes.

We all write our names and chuck them in the hat.
"Oookay~ Aphmau senpai, you're up first!" Kawaii chan sings
Why me? Ugh let's get this over with. I reach my hand into the hat and feel arowaisted pull out a note and it says

Dante ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ
You got me~

Ohhhhhh greeeeaaaatttt. Before I can't open my mouth to speak I am shoved into a large walk in cupboard, its really dark in here and its difficult to see. The door opens then closes, I see a blue haired boy walk in. The door clicks being locked from the outside.

"Seven minutes starts now!" Laurance yells from the other side (hello from the other siiiiiddeeee~... Sorry)

"S-so, uhhh" Dante stutters
"U-uh yeah" I also stutter.

I shuffle over to a corner and sink down to the floor. I really don't wanna be here.

~ Dantes POV ~
I'm alone in a dark room with Aphmau, what do I do? Do I hug her, or kiss her. Grr I don't know. I love her but I don't wanna make things know what, I'll go for it, its just a game right?

I walk over to Aphmau and kneel down to her. She looks up at me confused.


"Dante? What are you- *gasp*" Aphmau says, I cut her off by cupping her cheeks and slowly caressing them.
"D-Dante?" She nervosly says while blushing beat red.
"Shhh" is all i say.
I start to lean in, slowly. At the moment our noses are practically touching. I close the gap and kiss her gently. She tenses up but relaxes and kisses back.

Our lips move in sinc. She wraps her arms around my neck and I grab her waist pulling her closer deepening the kiss. I swear there are sparks and fireworks going off around us. We slowly separate looking into each others eyes, foreheads touching. We both smile sweetly at each other.

"Five minutes guys!" Yells a giggling kawaii chan.

I smirk and nuzzle (I love that word, nuzzle xD) my nose on hers. She giggles. Gosh I love that giggle. I pull her into a loving hug and snuggle her (I also love that word, snuggle xD) I bury my face into the crook of her neck and she giggles again. We stay like that for at least four minutes.

"One minute!" We hear someone yell.

We break the hug and stand up, we wait near the door and before it opens I give Aphmau a quick peck on the cheek. She blushes lightly. The door swings open and we see a happy kawaii~chan chan with her phone, she looks upset and sits back down. We all laugh and get ready for the next round.

Minecraft Diaries: Phoenix Drop High School (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora