Chapter 19: The End?

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I had to find Garroth. Wow, there are so many people at this party, I realized. People from all over the region are here. I think I managed to lose Aphmau at the food table, they had mashed potatoes. I finally found Garroth sitting at a table next to... wait, was that Cadenza?

I walked over, "Hey, little sister, how are you getting along with Garroth?" I smiled.

"Hmph, guess what, Laurance? I'm your older sister now, so ha!" she smirked.

"Heh, you'll always be little sister to me," I ruffled her hair. "Hey, Garroth, can I talk to you about something?"

"Hey!" she tried to fix her hair, "great, thanks, Laurance," she said sarcastically. "I'll be right back, Garroth."

"Y-yeah, sure." he gazed after her. "Hey, Laurance, how old is your sister?"

"What kind of question is that?" I laughed. I think I know what's going on. "Well, with all the Irene dimension stuff, she'd be about as old as you, I guess. Why, Garroth? Not going after my sister, are you?" I winked.

"N-no, I mean, not unless you're okay with it, I mean... um..." he blushed.

I laughed again. "Garroth, it's okay, just don't be a jerk to her or else I'll have to beat you up." I joked. "Anyway, Garroth, I was thinking..."

"Yeah? Go on." He motioned with his hands.

"Well, I wanted to ask Aphmau to... to... marry me and.... I know that you loved her but.... I wanted to know if... if you would be.. uh, my best man? If, um she says yes, of course."

Garroth just looked at me with wide eyes for a few moments before saying "Laurance. It's okay. Of course I'll be your best man. You're my best friend, besides, there are other women...." his eyes found Cadenza in the crowd and she waved at him.


"SHHHH, KATELYN, DON'T LET HER," I yelled in a panic, "don't let her hear you." I whispered.

"Ooh, right, well, Jeffory and I here overheard your conversation and, well, I couldn't help thinking that if she says yes maybe we could have.... wait for it... a double wedding!!!" she whispered back excitedly. She jumped up and down, Jeffory's arm going with her; they were holding hands.

I had never seen Katelyn so excited, I couldn't just say no. "Of course Katelyn! It would be great to share that day with you."

"OOOH, YAY," she put her hands over her mouth. "Donna, Emmalyn, and Kawaii~Chan insisted on planning my wedding, I'm sure they won't have a problem with you and Aphmau!!" she said in a quieter tone, her eyes shining.

"Well, first I have to ask her." I found her in the crowd and breathed deeply. "Wish me luck."


These mashed potatoes were so GOOD.

"Um, hey, Aphmau?" I turned with my mouth full of mashed potatoes to find Laurance standing behind me, hands behind his back. I swallowed my entire mouthful right there, probably not the best idea.

"ACK, *cough* ahem, uh, hi Laurance, what do you need?" I blushed.

"A-Aphmau, I-I have s-something t-to ask you..." His knees shook and he was blushing.

"Um, yeah?" I replied confusedly.

"W-well." he took his hands from behind his back to reveal a small velvet box. He got down on one knee. Oh no. Oh no, this can't be what I think it is. What if I burp because I swallowed my mashed potatoes? What if I tripped over my foot?!?!

"Aphmau. Ever since I met you that day in Meteli, you've always been beautiful. And then when I got to know you, you only became more beautiful. I pledged myself to you, and I promised to stay with you always." People were starting to turn and gasp. "But I want to know if you will stay with me. Aphmau, will you marry me?"

My face was burning. My mouth was dry. My palms were sweaty. "L-Laurance..."

"Please say yes?" He smiled hopefully.

"Oh, Laurance. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" I put my hand over my mouth and tried to stop the tears.

"Aphmau..." He said, gently pushing the black strands of hair out of my face. "I love you."

My forehead was against his. "I love you too." Our lips locked. No matter what we had been through, or what we will go through now, we will be together forever. We had made it through the shadows, and now there was only light.



The king of the Tu'la region was planning.

"We can't go through the middle of the region, there's an entire forest there." One of the Meif'wa said.

"Well then what do you suggest?" The king yelled, hitting his fist on the table.

"S-sir? We have a visitor." A new Meif'wa walked in and stepped aside to reveal a younger man with dark brown hair and blood red eyes. His clothes were torn and stained as if he had traveled very far to get here.

Interesting...who is this? The king thought. He sat down, and waved the remaining Meif'wa away. "Dismissed. We will discuss plans later." They all walked out without a word, terrified to question him.

"Now, human. What do you want? Surely you know that any human that sets foot in our territory is doomed?" his tail twitched.

"I am aware of that. However, I would prefer not to die, so I propose a deal. I will help you take over this region, and you will not kill me." He said in a low, persuasive voice.

This was very unusual. "Are you not of this region?"

"I am. It means nothing to me. What do you say?"

"First, tell me. What is your name?" The king asked with narrowed feline eyes.

"My name?" the young man gave a sinister smile. "My name is Zenix."




Thank you so much for reading my book. I do hope you enjoyed as I had a ton of fun writing it. Thank you for the views, comments, and votes everyone! Hope you have a fantastic day~!

Ciao~ ヾ(*・ω・)ノ

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