The Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

One cannot attain the title the child of prophecy through sheer will, one has to understand the role they will play and choose a path to take. The story of this prophesied child, Namikaze-Uzumaki Miyuki, was born into a world of hatred. She was burdened at a young age of carrying the Kyubi whom I named Kurama. She was orphaned the night of the attack and with her status as a jinchuriki leaked there was not much that could be done to rein in the situation. She prospered though, in a way that only the most determined would have thus gained bonds and made small ripples in the world that prepared it for true peace.

Uchiha Sasuke was another counterpart of Indra, my son. He grew into his shinobi moral as one would expect of someone who had lost those that needed to teach them at a young age. Again, the cycle of hatred cursed upon my son emerged through his counterpart and the lust for power was too much for young Sasuke coupled with many deciding factors that further confused the boy. His will to live was only furthered by his determination to avenge those he thought needed to be avenged. He was warped beyond reason blaming those close to him for his mistakes. There was a need for change in the air and with Black Zetsu completely out of the picture and Kaguya resealed, humanity could begin life anew possibly. Tides had changed and again, the age old war of power over love began the cycle anew. Though a change was in the air, that would make things a tad bit better for the two young shinobi. Only time will tell.

A battered Miyuki was down on one knee. Sweat dripped her face that was shadowed by her golden halo of bangs. She panted in exertion and her opponent was on the same last legs as she was. Blood caked near his lips where a powerful haymaker was launched. His onyx bangs hung over his face shielding his eyes from view, though if you seen them you would feel a chill run through your body.

"T-Teme. Is this not enough! Has blood not been shed enough for a lifetime? Kakashi-sensei, Sakura-chan, even Neji all lost their lives in this war. Are you so selfish that you can not be aware of another loss!" She screamed. Her whisker marks darkened on her cheeks as she drew on the nine bijuu's chakra. She had enough chakra for one big technique then she was finished. She lowered her head and tried not to break down in self pity. Truly, she did not deserve the title of Savior of the World and being hokage. She could not even save one friend from himself. How could she even lead people under her regime when she could not even be there for her most precious people.

"Dobe. This conversation has past his expiration. I do not wish to talk, I only want to see this village pay for the crimes it has committed against my clan! My brother! You, Who has no one would not even fathom how to react in this situation. You do not know anything usuratonkachi! " Sasuke screamed with madness gleaming in his eyes. His hands tightened in frustration and a complete susanoo grew around his figure. The purple mist swaying in the air ominously from the creature. Miyuki let a tear run down her face and struggled to stand, purified bijuu chakra burst into action, covering her form and towering to match that of the susanoo. "So be it, Uchiha Sasuke. You will always be my brother."

In a blur of time, both shinobi fired of their techniques. A odama rasengan powered by the Six paths Sage mode and a susanoo covered chidori respectively, raced across the terrain intending to do damage. When the two techniques hit, an explosion resounded throwing both shinobi backwards. With a soft grunt, Miyuki feel down face first. The techniques began to merge , with a black hole in the center of the terrain, dragging in remnants of nature. The wind whipped around Miyuki , her hair flying frantically as it increased. "MIYUKI!" Sasuke screamed upon dragging himself to his feet only to see the exhausted nin being dragged into the swirling hole of black. Chakra arms grew from her back intending to grab ahold of something to anchor her down. She turned a pleading eye to Sasuke and screamed his name. "SASUKE!" In a fit of panic, Sasuke began to draw onto his rinnegan to try to close the hole and when it did nothing but make it worse, he tried using his sharingan. Blood slid down his cheeks as it morphed into the familiar Mangekyo pattern. He cast a kamui onto the hole with the last of energy trying to close it.

It did nothing to help and only made it worse. The strong pull forced his body into the air and if not for the spare chakra arm Miyuki used to anchor himself also, he would have been gone. "Sasuke. I forgive you and have always loved you. Even if you're stupid sometimes and don't listen when I tell you to. You're my Aniki, I'll always chase after you, you'know. It looks like this is the end for us here. Don't worry, I'll still follow you in the next life, chasing my aniki as I should." She said with silent tears streaming down her face. Even in her moment of sadness, she smiled at him as if he hung the moon and the stars. "Imoto." He whispered in awe. Miyuki giggled softly and used her chakra arm to toss Sasuke further away from the Spiraling hole. "Aniki, Don't hate me for doing what's right, okay?" Sasuke was dumbfounded as to what she had meant and upon seeing the smile. That smile he knew meant she was going to do something stupid, he screamed at her. "MIYUKI! Don't you dare! I can't handle another loss. I never wanted you to die, you stupid girl! Dont let go. Listen to me! Listen clearly, damn you. Don't leave me here." Sasuke struggled to his feet glaring at the girl, trying to plead with her. "Silly Aniki. Maybe next time, neh?" She smiled serenely at him and let go.

She was promptly sucked into the abyss with only a smile etched on her face. Sasuke screamed and with the last of his strength, flung himself after her. Not caring of anything other than the one person he almost killed. Kami he was so blind not to see it. She was always right there and he was too blind to see it. But, not anymore. He didn't care if he had just raced to his death, He was going to be with the only family he had left.

"Aniki. Aishiteru"

"Imoto. Aishiteru"

Revised: April 1, 2016 3:26 pm

Enjoy. Let me know if you spot any mistakes, I don't have a beta on here so I'll need a little help. c:


my lovely co author, check her out. c:

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