Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Gray's POV

A/N: *Spoiler* I just watched the Natsu/Gray vs. Mard Geer fight and I am screaming at the feels. The only time Natsu has EVER naturally gotten dragon force is because of his anger of Gray getting hurt... Omg. My fragile fangirl heart cannot take this.

On with the story... Last chapter... I'm so not ready for this. I hope you all enjoy it, and thank you for sticking with this story for so long! It's been a wonderful process writing this.

In that moment, suspended in time as we fell from the terrifyingly high drop, Asano burst through the roof, with purplish bruises on his neck and with one arm loosely dangling by his side, as if it was broken.

"You better watch your back, Thirteen," He shouted at us, voice getting quieter as we flew further away from the roof. "You may escape now, but this won't be the last you've seen of us and the Hakai Lab. Enjoy freedom while it lasts!"

It was too late. We already jumped.

Flying, at first, was nothing more than the feeling of falling, allowing your body to drop, falling lifelessly towards the ground below. But when you catch a breeze, and suddenly you're soaring; swooping into the air and feeling the wind send tingles across your skin, it's a completely different feeling.

I thought I was going to die when I jumped off that building, but when the wind picked me up and pushed me forward, I was able to open my eyes and see that I was ascending into the sky.

I giggled, feeling proud of myself. I felt imbalanced and it hurt to keep myself at the right angle to fly forward. Natsu, slightly above me and to my right, watched me intently. He looked exhausted, judging by the dark circles under his eyes and the way his shoulders sagged as he flew.

"Are you getting the hang of things?" He asked worriedly. "How do they feel? Your wings still look strangely bent," He flew nearer, trying to inspect them more closely.

Upon his reminder, shooting pain flew through my shoulder muscles, and somehow, I felt them in my wings too. It was such a strange sensation, having an extra pair of appendages to receive sensory stimuli from.

My wings, I thought incredulously. I have wings.

I gasped in surprise, the realization dawning on me. "I have fucking wings!" I shouted, only having the chance just now to digest the information. It was too surreal to process. Wings, I repeated inside my head.

I was now a mutant bird boy.

Amidst my confusion, I almost started to spiral down to the ground, only barely catching myself. I soared back up high, doing a loop-the-loop in the air and laughing joyfully. I felt like I was swimming through air, like nothing was in my way. As I laughed, I forgot to focus on flying and stopped flapping my wings, resulting in a near crash-landing yet again. I managed to fly up again, cutting against the direction of the breeze.

Natsu grinned at me, looking extraordinarily happy as he saw me fly up into the sky. "You're taking this better than I expected," He commented bemusedly, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows at me. A thought crossed his mind, and he averted his eyes away, scowling.

I was struggling keeping myself flying in steady, sweeping arcs that looked so easy when Natsu did them, and I kept pushing my wings to keep me upright. Still, I kept losing ground, and I was growing tired really quickly. "What's with that face?" I managed to ask him, trying to regain some control.

"I just... Never got to experience the same joy from flying as you are right now," He admitted hesitantly, voice low with embarrassment. I frowned, about to reach out to him when a gust of wind blew by, sending me spiraling towards some trees. Swerving out of control, I wished Natsu had told me how to stop. Or at least land properly.

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