Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

The Backstory; Part 4

A/N: It's looking like this story is probably going to have 27 or 28 chapters, if I plan it right. This is the last part of the backstory! Don't forget to vote/comment, tysm! x

Also I was watching Fairy Tail and when I saw this (see picture above), I screamed "THE BLACK ANGEL!!" At my computer, haha.

Like it was happening in slow motion, Natsu could feel the smile drop from his face as he stared down the barrel of the gun. The man's hand shook with rage and fear, and he clenched his teeth to appear more menacing.

Natsu raised his hands up in defense, taking a step back. "Woah there," He breathed, "No need to whip that out."

The man grinned, showing off bloodied teeth. "Not so tough anymore, huh, little bird freak?" He raised the gun, finger hesitating on the trigger. Natsu took another step back, feeling strong hands clamp down on his arms. He tried to pull away, but the second man's grip was too strong to yank away from.

"You don't have the guts," Natsu barked out. Of course, he was holding the gun wrong, too close to his face. What really set it off though was that he could see it in the man's eyes. They were sparkling with fear, and on top of that, he was seriously injured. This was his last resort to victory.

Natsu looked over at the girls, who were cowering in the corner. "Get out of here," He told them. They didn't need to be told twice, and they scampered off with their tails between their legs.

The man flicked the safety, and Natsu started having second guesses on whether or not he actually did have the guts. They made eye contact, and Natsu wondered if he had a family. He hoped so. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have done what he was about to do.

"Do it!" Natsu screamed, startling the man so much he fired the bullet. Natsu ducked, jumping out of the way just enough for it to be fatal, but not enough for him to miss the shot completely. It clipped his wing, by the median convert feathers. Natsu didn't shout out in pain, only bit his lip and took their surprise to kick the gun out of the man's hands, causing it to skitter across the floor.

Natsu lunged for the gun, more lithe than the fully-grown man. He raised the gun, pointing it at him. "Go, now," Natsu commanded. "Or I won't hesitate to aim it correctly."

"Who the fuck is he?" The second guy hissed as they took off. "Some invincible black angel or something?"

"Whatever," The first guy pulled him away, refusing to look back at the mutant child. "Let's just get the hell out of here."

Natsu released the safety and set the gun on the ground. He found his shirt and jacket later as he got of the alley, carelessly tossed on a large pile of trash. It was gross, wearing it again, but it was getting cold and it was all Natsu had. It hurt like hell to bend his wings back, and he had absolutely no idea how he could fly home in this state, and the worst part was he never found the soup kitchen.

When he exited the alley, he saw the two girls standing here, poking their heads around the corner. "What are you still doing here?" Natsu glared at them. Why would they stay near the danger when they had the chance to run away without looking back.

"We, uh-" The first girl, a blonde, couldn't manage to formulate an excuse.

"Your wing...!" The brunette pointed at the injury. Natsu clutched his arm, wishing these girls weren't ogling him like the scientists did back at the Lab. The mere thought of that place sent a shiver down his spine, making the injury hurt worse.

"I heal quickly," Natsu mumbled out an excuse, staring at his bare feet. "There's no need to worry about me."

The girl took a step further, hesitantly approaching, as if Natsu was going to bite her or something. He may have wings, but he certainly wasn't a caged animal. At least, not any more. "No matter how fast you heal, there's no way you can be fine with a bad wound like that. Please, let me take you to my house. My mom's a veterinarian."

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