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I waited for a while and listened to the conversation going on behind the glass.

"Jake, what is she talking about? What is about to go down?" Asked the guy I'm assuming is in charge.

"I think it's an ok deal." Jake explains.

"How can we use her? What can she offer us? Her abilities, we need to know what they are so we know what to expect." The guy in charge stated.

I look at the window and chuckle a little.

"I'm pretty sure that I can offer you a lot of help with my abilities. I'll keep the killing to a minimum!" I joke.

The guy in charge sighs.

"Get her to tell us more and I will consider." The guy says to Jake.

"Thank you sir." Jake said.

He went to the door and went out, just to come in to my room.

"Ok Jake, lets start at the beginning. My whole family died at the hands of a man I don't really know. I remember dying, but when we all woke up we woke up like any other day. In our beds, not covered in blood, and not dead. Yesterday, Roman and I were running away and we saw the guy who murdered us. Right in front of us he was shot in the head. I was shot in the stomach and Roman in the arm." I explained all in one breath.

It was tough but I got it out.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down. Your saying someone is trying to kill you guys." He asked trying to catch up.

"I think so. I think it's an organization called the..." I snapped my fingers trying to think of the name.

"Order!" I said in excitement. "They call themselves The Order." I say.

"And how do you know this?" Jake asked as he writes down some stuff.

I try to think of where I heard it.

"Oh! I saw it somewhere..." I trailed off. "It was on a black box..." I try to remember. "I don't remember where, but the black box said something like Project Titans or was it something else..." I trail off again.

"Ok. That's good. One more question. What kind of abilities do you have?" He asks.

I snap out of my thoughts and look at Jake.

"Oh! Yeah. I have the ability to absorb energy and direct it however I want. Like my punch for example, I condensed my energy into my fist and used it as strength. I can do it with hearing, seeing, smelling, all that stuff. But the downside is it has rules, I need to absorb energy first before I convert it, aka it's an easy way for me to take people's life just by touching them." I say quickly.

Jake scribbles more on the paper and sighs.

"Alright, I will be right back." Jake got up from his seat and left to go back into the room behind the glass.

I would have listened to what they had to say but the thought of food distracted me. I was hungry.

Burritos and tamales. Roasted pork buns and rice. Oh, I'm so hungry!

My thoughts were disrupted by Jake, the Sage guy, and another guy walking into the room. The one guy I didn't know unlocked my cuffs.

"Ok Violet. Here's the thing." Jake began to explain.

I rubbed my wrists as I stood up from my seat. The guy I didn't know, grabbed me by the arm, handed me some clothes, and all of us walked out of the room and down the hall to who knows where.

"You are not the only one's with abilities. We have found many more. You guys popped up on our radar just about a month ago. We have formed a task force of people like you who have these abilities. You will join them and work along side them as we hunt down more like you. I don't mean it in a bad way, just I don't think the world should know yet of your existence." Jake explained as we walked down hall after hall, until we got to a door that had a homemade cardboard sign saying 'no none supers aloud'.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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