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After we all went shopping for clothes, we went to the inner part of the city. Then we called our dads phone, but he didn't answer, so we called our moms phone. She answered.

Once we got to a less busy street we sat down on a bench. We called again and told our parents where we were. Than waited. And waited. And waited.

"Didn't you say they would be here at 8:00? Something's wrong guys." Scarlet said. Worry was all over her face.

Aria checked the time, 8:10. She sighed and sat back against the bench.

"We can't wait any longer. We need to split up and go separately to the cabin." Ryna took control of the situation and split us up. "Scar and Aria with me. Roman and Vi can go together."

"We aren't going to see each other for a while so you know what to do if something happens, right?" Ryna turned and looked at me sternly. "Don't be scared to use your power if you need to Vi."

Her eyes burned into my soul. I nodded my head to her. We grab our stuff and split up. We start on our journey to find the cabin.

"Vi, if anything happens to me, you might have to kill if you want me to live." Logan said.

I looked at the ground as we walked. I hate what they are asking of me, they know I hate using my powers. It's dangerous, all I need to do is touch someone and then they're dead. Thats too much power for anyone to have much less an insignificant girl like me.

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry, I'll protect anyone I have to. But you got to promise me that you will stay safe so I don't have to hurt anyone." I looked up at Roman and smiled.

He stayed quiet for a moment, thinking.

"I promise."

Roman wrapped his arm around my neck and pretend to choke me. I pulled his arm off and smacked his shoulder, which made him almost topple over. We laughed and hit each other a few more times until Roman stopped in his tracks and stared at something ahead. His face went pale and grabbed my arm tight. I slowly turned in the direction he was looking and saw him. The man that killed us five years ago. Except the thing was that he was bleeding from a wound in his head. A gunshot wound right through the forehead.

"Someone shot him." I said quietly.

His body fell to the ground. Blood was seeping out of the hole in his head all over the sidewalk. People around where screaming and running in the streets. I heard another shot fired. And I felt a sharp pressured pain in my stomach, numb for a moment, then pain everywhere.

My vision blurred and my head pounded, a taste of metal in my mouth before I lost my balance and fell to the ground. Logan caught me before I hit the ground.

"Violet! No! Violet! Violet, stay with me!" Roman began to cry.

It hurt, tears spilled from my eyes from shock and pain.

The pain was unbearable. I couldn't breathe without feeling pain all over my body. I tried to speak but I couldn't even make a sound, which made me burst out crying in pain and fear.

"Violet! Please, hang in there. You're gonna live!" Roman encouraged. He picked me up, which hurt even more, and carried me to an alley nearby. On his way there another shot was fired and blood sprayed from his right shoulder. Logan grunted in pain but kept moving on, gritting his teeth through the pain.

Once we got to an alley, Roman laid me down on the ground and leaned me up against the wall.

"Roman." I could finally speak. But quietly. "Roman. You...need to..." I took a deep breathe. "You should leave me." I tried to smile, but tears choked me.

"No!" Roman looked at me sadly. He knew that he couldn't carry me anymore, but he wouldn't give up.

"Violet, no! I'm not leaving you!" He argued.

I sighed. "Roman, I can take care of myself. Go. Come back for me later. If I'm not here than, you know where I'll be."

"I.. I just can't leave you!"

"Just remember that you will know what happened to me. You'll know where I am, you'll know what happened, so its fine."

He stayed silent for a moment. "Fine! Please be safe." Logan stood up and looked down the alley before he ran off.

Then I passed out a few moments later from the pain.

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