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{ Blake }

I was in pre-calculus, the only class without Ruby and had to suffer through with Yang. I haven't gotten over what she did back in the locker room. I'm afraid of her, deathly afraid. I'm her new target, victim, prey, whatever you want to call me. Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket as I had received a message. Who could be messaging me in the middle of class? I carefully fished it out of my pocket and looked at the screen. It was Yang. What does she want now? Hasn't she done enough to me already? Hesitantly I opened the message to see what she had to say this time.

'I don't want you near my sister. Period. Don't approach her, don't talk to her, don't even look at her. If you even try to sneak by me, you will be sorry for even trying.'

Was she...threatening me? I looked over to where she sat in the classroom, meeting fiery red eyes. Fear consumed me. I quickly looked away. Right now, I couldn't be more thankful for this to be the last class. Although, now I can't even go near Ruby. Was her sister trying to keep Ruby locked away from happiness? Ruby has become everything to me! Now she's being ripped away from my grasp and I'm left falling into an abyss of eternal sadness. The bell rung and I jumped out of my seat once I put my things away. I had all that I needed in my bag already. There was no need to stop at my locker. As quickly as I could, I got out of there, ignoring everyone around me. I was afraid that Ruby was near by. Yang wasn't joking around. She was serious. "Blake," Ruby called. Her voice. It was like a knife being driven through my heart now. "Blake wait up!"

"No Ruby. We're going home," Yang spoke sternly.

"But," the girl said.

"No. We're leaving now." This was torture! I couldn't go to work like this. I dialed my boss and told her that I needed to take a personal day. Thankfully she was okay with it. She could tell by the way I spoke that something was bothering me. I took deep breaths as I tried to hold myself back from crying.

"Blake, where are you going," Weiss asked once she caught up with me.

"Leave me alone," I said softly. There was this huge lump in my throat that made me feel like I was being choked. I could already feel my eyes filling themselves with tears. My heart, oh don't even get me started on the condition it's in now.

"Blake what's wrong? Did something happen between you and Ruby?" Her name. That was my breaking point. I just couldn't stand it. My tears flowed down my cheeks and fell to the ground like raindrops. "Blake?"

"I can't be with her anymore!" I just stopped walking and cried, hugging myself tightly. I could feel Weiss staring at me. "I can't go near her, look at her, or speak to her ever again! She's gone Weiss! She's gone," I cried.

Weiss wrapped me in her arms as I cried harder. Ruby was the one thing that made my days seem a little brighter, no offense to Weiss. She was the girl that stole my heart! She was my first love. She was just everything! "Did Yang do this?" I nodded and held onto her tightly. "I'm not going to let her get away with this! I'm not letting my best friend fall into a depression just because this stupid girl has a major protective issue. Let me handle this Blake."

"No, don't! Please? I can't have you getting hurt just for standing up for me," I whimpered.

"Blake, I don't want to lose you because the one thing that made you smile so much is gone. I'd do anything for you."

"Just don't approach her. I don't need you getting a beating like I did in a manner of speaking," I said, pulling away to wipe my eyes. My phone went off again. I dug it out of my pocket and I just lost all feeling. It was Ruby. It was too painful! I couldn't read her message without replying to it. I can't read it without breaking down. So, I ignored it, like the many other messages that flooded my phone just from Ruby. "I'm going home. I already called work that I was taking a personal day. I can't go to work like this."

"I understand. Call me if you need anything, okay?" I nodded and hugged her one last time before I walked away. As soon as I got home, I ran up to my room, locking the door behind me. I don't want anyone to be around me. If I could have one person, it would be Ruby but I can't have that happen. Never again. I threw my bag on the floor and sobbed into my pillow. For hours I cried my eyes out. Mom came home from work and knocked on my door since she could hear me crying from downstairs.

"Blake, sweetie, is everything alright?"

"Just leave me alone!" The doorknob jiggled as she tried to get in.

"Blake, unlock the door please? Let's talk about this."

"I said leave me alone," I shouted. Mom wouldn't leave me alone though. So I just gave up and unlocked the door, returning to my bed to continue crying.

"Why aren't you at work?"

"I couldn't go like this," I whimpered. I choked out a sob and hugged my pillow that was drenched with my tears.

"Sweetie, did something happen at school," mom asked softly, moving some of my hair to the side.

"I can't be with her anymore mom! If I try anything, I'm going to get hurt!"

"What? Who's threatened you sweetheart?"

"Who do you think?!" I cried harder, sending this sharp pain to the front of my skull. Mom took me in her arms and let me cry. "I feel like I'm dead inside!"

"Shh, I know sweetheart. I'm going to keep you home tomorrow. No exceptions. I can't have my little girl go through so much pain all at once," mom said softly. I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back. "Things will work out Blake. This isn't the end."

~ Three Days Later ~

I was completely silent in school. I refused to make eye contact with anyone. If I met those silver eyes, I would break down again. Weiss walked with me to lunch. She brought me over to an empty table in the corner, far enough away from them. Things are just getting worse by the day. I'm emotionally drained. I literally have no motivation or care in the world at this very moment. I'm nothing and forever will be. "Want to hang out after work," Weiss asked. I shrugged my shoulders. She sighed softly. "Blake, I know it hurts but you can't let this consume you."

"Too late for that. I'm already dead inside. This pain and sadness has fully consumed me now," I said softly. That wasn't a lie. I really have been taken over by all of this. "I feel like I can't breathe Weiss. The life has been sucked out of me and has left me to rot in this hell." My friend hugged me gently.

"Don't give up hope Blake. There's still a chance that you could be with her again."

"I don't think there is anymore Weiss."

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