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{ Ruby }

My alarm was screaming at me to get my butt out of bed. My hair was strewn all over the place from having bedhead. "Good morning sis," Yang said happily. She scared me half to death! I fell out of my bed, making a rather loud thud once I met the floor.

"Why are you so peppy first thing in the morning," I grumbled.

"Because I'm a bit of a morning person. Come on! Get ready and get some breakfast! Need to make a good impression on the first day of school," Yang cheered. I groaned and laid on the floor, waiting for her to leave. Once she finally walked off, I grabbed my clothes, quickly changing out of my pajamas and into my clothes. My hand grabbed the strap of my bag and walked downstairs. Yang had already prepared my breakfast. My eyes lit up when I gazed upon the bowl of Cookie Crisp cereal sitting on the kitchen island counter. Even a glass of milk was on the side. "I knew that would wake you up."

I dropped my bag by the front door and sped over to the island. Immediately I dove in to eating the bowl of cereal. Yang leaned against the kitchen counter by the toaster oven as she ate a piece of toast. By the time. Yang was halfway done with her toast, I had already finished my bowl of cereal and glass of milk. I sighed with content. "Thanks for getting my breakfast together sis," I said happily with a smile.

"No problem. Once I'm done eating, we can get going. The school is in walking distance." I nodded and went to quickly brush my teeth. Just as I came back from doing that, Yang had just finished eating. She also went to brush her teeth and then we headed out the door towards the school. "You excited for this?"

"No. I got moved up two years just because I showed promising talents and have decent amount of intelligence. I'm the youngest kid in the junior class!" I gripped my bag straps rather tightly. Yang pulled my hood over my head. "Hey!"

"Look on the bright side Ruby, you get to graduate sooner." That didn't make me feel any better. The rest of the way to school, we remained silent. The school was I'm sight. I was really nervous. What if I get made fun of because I'm fifteen and in the junior class? "You're going to be fine little sister. Don't worry so much," Yang said. I sighed and we walked through the front doors to Beacon Regional High School, heading to the front office to get the things we needed. Once we were done there, we headed to our lockers to put away the things we didn't need for the moment.

"What do you have first?"

"World history. What about you," my sister asked.


"Have fun with that." Then she headed off to class. Now I'm on my own. When I walked into the biology lab, I was surprised to see Blake sitting at one of the desks, reading of all things. That is, until she looked up and met my gaze.

"What are you doing here," Blake asked in confusion. It wasn't in a rude tone. She was really confused and maybe even curious.

"This is my first period class."

{ Blake }

Weiss met me at my locker. "You doing okay?" I met her gaze, worry dancing in her ice blue eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I closed my locker and walked off to my first class, biology.

"Are you still questioning yourself Blake," my friend asked.

"Weiss, can we not talk about it? I just want to get through the day, survive another shift at work, and do my homework before I go to bed. I don't want to think about my sexuality." I had my book in hand, ready to start reading it as I walked the halls.

"You're upset with me because of what I did, aren't you?"

"Weiss, just drop it." She grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Let me go. I'm going to be late for class."

Pricked by the Autumn RoseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang