Chapter 7

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Tori's P.O.V

      "Mom can we please move the wedding day in 4 months because I don't think I could heal the quick? and I don't think we'll have everything done when the times come,"I say to my mother while we wait for my farther and Xavier to sign me out of the hospital.

      "Of course dear anything you want, and also did Xavier agree to this?"She askes, me and Xavier have already discussed this together when my parents and his were not there.

       "Yea and also agreed with me that our wedding would be in-"I say but get cut off by my mother.

    "Oo! is it going to be in Japan?!"

     "No mom I was going to say the wedding will be held in London,"I say.

      "OH ok well thats also a beautiful place to have a wedding, OH! I almost forgot your wesding dressing, we bought another one for you and don't worry dear its the same,"She says, once she said that Dad and Xavier came and we all went inside our limo heading for our mansion. Dad said that we have new members of the group, wonder who could it be?

~Skip Car Ride~

       "YES! FINALLY HOME FROM THAT HOSPITAL AND THAT LONG CAR RIDE!"I yell as I was getting out of the limo and being followed after by my parents and Xavier.

     "The car ride wasn't that long it was only 20 minutes honey,"Dad says as he grabed my suit case.

     "Yea it was 20 long! minutes of my life, it was also torture me and Xavier watching you and mom flirt with each other like you guys were teenagers again!"I exclaimed while my parents opened the door, we steped inside and was greated by the gang.


    "OMG guys this is amazing and thanks for everything, BUT!-"I say but get cut off.

      "OH no she said 'BUT',"Josh says.

      "-I need my sleep and i'm to tired to party right now, now all of you understand that sleep is very important to me followed by food,"I say and everyone nods their head.

      "But thank you anyways just go and party and enjoy your night, but gang don't forget we have a drug meet @ 7 sharp. I will be announcing who will go to the meet so we can get the money,"I say and once again everyone nods and I head for the elevator while Maddison, Skylar, Josh, Luke, Xavier, and the new members following me to my room.

     Once were in my bed room, my best friends sit on my bed waiting for me to speak while Xavier stands by the new members. The new members kinda had a horrified look, I just wanted to simply laugh at them BUT it would be rude of me. OH FUCK that! I'm laughing my ass off while everyone looks at me insane.

     "Whats so funny?"Xavier askes.

      "Them.... they look terrified! don't worry boys I'm not gonna kill ya,"I say and they sigh in relief.

     "Okay each of you please state your name?"I ask.

     "I'm Carter Gray,"

      "Alex Johnson,"

     "Logan Ryder,"

"Jason White,"

"Tori they're my best mates and your farther let them join our gang, we just need to train them,"Xavier says, I nodded and no wonder why these boys look awfully familar.

      "Hey! you guys are his best mates I almost completely forgot!"I say.

     "Who can forget this gorgeous face,"Jason says pointing at his perfect sculpted face, not gonna lie they're all pretty handsome but Xavier is way more drop dead gorgeous.

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